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<SPAN lang=en&#8211;us> <P>POLICY 2008 is the 9th in a series of successful workshops, which since 1999 have provided a forum for discussion and collaboration between researchers, developers, and users of policy&#8211;based systems&#046; This year, in addition to the latest research results from the communities working in any area of policy&#8211;based management and computing, we encourage contributions on policy&#8211;based techniques in support of all types of wireless networks: cellular, Wi&#8211;Fi, Mobile Ad Hoc, hybrids, etc&#046;</P> <P>Policy 2008 aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working on policy&#8211;based systems across a wide range of application areas including networking, privacy and security management, storage area networking, enterprise systems, and the Web&#046; </P> <P></SPAN><STRONG>Keywords:</STRONG></P> <P><EM>Policy Models and Languages:<BR></P></EM> <UL> <LI>Abstract models and languages for policy specification <LI>Representing policies in XML, RDF, and OWL <LI>Semantic Web rule languages for policy reasoning <LI>Policy standards, their extensions and refinements <LI>Formal semantics of policies <LI>Relationships between policies, both going vertically from policies for IT processes to policies for IT devices, and crossing horizontally through multiple application domains <LI>Methodologies and tools for discovering, specifying, analyzing, refining, and evaluating policy <LI>Models of policy negotiation <LI>Representation of belief, trust, and risk in policies <LI>Systems and tools for the management of policies <LI>Policy visualization </LI></UL> <P><EM><BR>Policy Applications:<BR></EM></P> <UL> <LI>Case studies of applying policy&#8211;based management in different application domains <LI>Application of policies for resource allocation, autonomic computing, systems management, QoS adaptation, security <LI>Application of policies for identity and privacy management <LI>Policy based networking, including collaborative security, pervasive computing, and mobile systems <LI>Business rules and organizational modeling <LI>Identity management <LI>Personalization <LI>Risk adaptive policy systems <LI>Database policies <LI>Policy applications in on&#8211;demand, utility based computing <LI>Resource virtualization and policy&#8211;based collaboration </LI></UL> <P><EM><BR>Policies in Wireless Networks:<BR></EM></P> <UL> <LI>Service management in mobile ad hoc networks <LI>Policy systems for small devices <LI>Policy&#8211;based spectrum management <LI>Privacy and security <LI>Policies in location based services <LI>Context&#8211;aware policies in pervasive and mobile computing </LI></UL>