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<P><SPAN class=style8>“Mission&#8211;Critical Networking (MCN)” refers to networking for application domains where life or livelihood may be at risk&#046; Typical application domains for MCN include critical infrastructure protection, emergency and crisis intervention, and military operations&#046; Such networking is essential for safety, security and economic vitality in our complex world characterized by uncertainty, heterogeneity and emergent behaviors&#046; MCN should comprise the best possible networking technology, infrastructure and services that may alleviate the risk and help save the lives of both the general public and the network users&#046;</SPAN></P> <P><SPAN class=style8></SPAN> <B>Keywords:</B> </P> <DL class=style8>• Smart environments and infrastructures<BR>• Rapidly deployable services and networks<BR>• Vehicular networks <BR>• Body sensor networks<BR>• Cognitive and autonomic networks, protocols, and services<BR>• Ubiquitous networking and services<BR>• Security, dependability, privacy, QoS and performance awareness and trade&#8211;offs<BR>• Sensor and actuator networks for information gathering and real&#8211;time control<BR>• Decentralized and peer&#8211;to&#8211;peer resource management and allocation<BR>• Trust management, security, interoperability, survivability and QoS support<BR>• Context&#8211;aware network and service management<BR>• Location determination and tracking <BR>• Energy efficiency<BR>• Admission, load and flow control<BR>• Visual analytics<BR>• Critical traffic and mobility analysis<BR>• Cross&#8211;layer design and optimization<BR>• Components and architectures for next&#8211;generation emergency calling and alerting<BR>• Network policy management <BR>• Testbeds, benchmarks, performance and experimental studies</DL>