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<P><FONT size=3><FONT color=#000000>ICMB focuses on the exploration and debate of new business models and services that leverage mobile and ubiquitous computing technologies&#046; We are witnessing the rapid convergence in technology devices, drawing from telephony, computing, photography, media, gaming, and more&#046; Soon, all handheld devices will evolve to small computers capable of photography, web, browsing, telephony on mobile networks or the Internet (IP telephony), media/music players (including IP &#8211;Internet television), gaming consoles, and desktop work environments with office software&#046;<BR>This technology convergence will open significant and exciting possibilities in many business categories, including services, retailing, media, entertainment, logistics, medicine and manufacturing&#046;<BR>The aim of ICMB 2008 is to explore the full consequences of technology convergence; both the immediate effects of device convergence, as well as the often more subtle, yet substantial impacts at service and industry levels&#046;</FONT></FONT></P> <P><FONT size=3><FONT color=#000000><STRONG>Keywords:</STRONG> </P> <P class=leaf> &#8211; New Business Models<BR> &#8211; Customer Strategies &amp; Services<BR> &#8211; Entertainment and Gaming Applications<BR> &#8211; Mobile Applications in Logistics, Manufacturing and Services<BR> &#8211; Government, Medicine and Education<BR> &#8211; Embedded, Micro and Nano&#8211;technology<BR> &#8211; Social Change, Policy, Responsibility and Ethics<BR> &#8211; Mobile Application Development<BR> &#8211; Emergent Theory Building in Mobile Applications and Ubiquitous Computing</P></FONT></FONT>