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<P>Welcome to the official website of the 2008 International Conference on Theoretical and Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (TMFCS&#8211;08)&#046; The conference will be held during 7&#8211;10 of July 2008 in Orlando, FL, USA&#046; The conference will be held at the <A href=&#8243;http://www&#046;imperialswanorlando&#046;com/&#8243;>Imperial Swan Hotel &amp; Suites</A> located at 7050 South Kirkman Road Orlando, FL, 32819&#8211;8284, USA&#046; <BR></P> <P><STRONG>Keywords:</STRONG> </P> <UL> <LI>Algorithms <LI>Approximation methods <LI>Automata, formal languages and computability <LI>Automated reasoning <LI>Category theory <LI>Chaos theory <LI>Coding theory <LI>Combinatorics <LI>Computational biology <LI>Computational complexity <LI>Computational geometry <LI>Computational number theory <LI>Concurrency and type theory <LI>Cryptography <LI>Data structures <LI>Database theory <LI>Deduction <LI>Formal languages <LI>Game theory <LI>Geometry and graphs <LI>Graph theory and algorithms <LI>Information retrieval <LI>Logic in computer science <LI>Logics of programs <LI>Mathematical logic <LI>Model theory and applications <LI>Models of computation <LI>Network theory and algorithms <LI>Non&#8211;linear dynamics <LI>Parameterized complexity <LI>Partial evaluation <LI>Probabilistic and randomized algorithms <LI>Program transformation <LI>Programming language design and semantics <LI>Proof theory <LI>Quantum computing <LI>Queuing methods <LI>Randomized and approximation algorithms <LI>Rewrite systems and applications <LI>Scheduling methods <LI>Software specification and verification <LI>Temporal logics <LI>Theoretical aspects of computer security <LI>Theoretical aspects of network security <LI>Theory of computation <LI>Theory of parallel and distributed computing <LI>Timed and hybrid Systems <LI>Type systems </LI></UL>