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<P>Welcome to the official website of the 2008 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition (AIPR&#8211;08)&#046; The conference will be held during 7&#8211;10 of July 2008 in Orlando, FL, USA&#046; The conference will be held at the <A href=&#8243;http://www&#046;imperialswanorlando&#046;com/&#8243;>Imperial Swan Hotel &amp; Suites</A> located at 7050 South Kirkman Road Orlando, FL, 32819&#8211;8284, USA&#046;<BR></P> <P><STRONG>Keywords:</STRONG> </P> <UL> <LI>Applications of AI <LI>Artificial neural networks <LI>Automated problem solving <LI>Bayesian&#8211;based methodologies <LI>Bio&#8211;informatics <LI>Biometrics <LI>Brain modeling <LI>Case&#8211;based reasoning <LI>Cognitive science <LI>Collaborative filtering <LI>Computational biology <LI>Computational intelligence <LI>Computer vision <LI>Constraint processing <LI>Data mining <LI>Decision support systems <LI>Distributed AI <LI>Evolutionary algorithms <LI>Expert systems <LI>Fractals <LI>Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic <LI>Game playing <LI>Genetic algorithms <LI>Hardware aspects of AI <LI>Heuristics <LI>Image processing <LI>Information retrieval <LI>Intelligent agents <LI>Intelligent databases <LI>Intelligent information fusion <LI>Intelligent information systems <LI>Intelligent networks <LI>Intelligent software engineering <LI>Intelligent tutoring systems <LI>Intelligent user interfaces <LI>Intelligent business <LI>Knowledge acquisition <LI>Knowledge discovery <LI>Knowledge management <LI>Languages for AI <LI>Learning and adaptive sensor fusion <LI>Machine learning <LI>Machine translation <LI>Medical imaging <LI>Natural language processing <LI>Neural networks and applications <LI>Pattern recognition <LI>Probabilistic reasoning <LI>Remote sensing <LI>Robotics <LI>Rough sets <LI>Search techniques <LI>Self&#8211;adaptation techniques <LI>Semantic indexing <LI>Signal processing <LI>Social impact of AI <LI>Soft computing <LI>Software aspects of AI <LI>Speech processing <LI>Statistical methods for AI <LI>Steganography and digital watermarking <LI>Swarm intelligence <LI>Symbolic data analysis <LI>Temporal abstractions <LI>Text mining <LI>Text processing <LI>Uncertainty <LI>Wavelets <LI>Web intelligence </LI></UL>