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<P>Welcome to the official website of the 2008 International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Control Systems (ARCS&#8211;08)&#046; The conference will be held during 7&#8211;10 of July 2008 in Orlando, FL, USA&#046; The conference will be held at the <A href=&#8243;http://www&#046;imperialswanorlando&#046;com/&#8243;>Imperial Swan Hotel &amp; Suites</A> located at 7050 South Kirkman Road Orlando, FL, 32819&#8211;8284, USA&#046;</P> <P><STRONG>Keywords:</STRONG> </P> <LI>Activity/behavior recognition <LI>Adaptive control <LI>Aerospace control systems <LI>Alarming and fault diagnosis systems <LI>Automatic control of chemical processes <LI>Automotive control systems and autonomous vehicles <LI>Autonomous traffic and transport systems <LI>Biologically inspired control techniques <LI>Biomedical control systems <LI>Biomedical instrumentation and applications <LI>Biometrics <LI>CAD/CAM/CIM <LI>Complex systems <LI>Control analysis of social and human systems <LI>Control applications <LI>Control engineering education <LI>Control of biological systems <LI>Data acquisition and measurement engineering <LI>Defense and military systems control <LI>Delay systems <LI>Device technology for automation <LI>Dexterous manipulation <LI>Digital and analogue control <LI>Discrete event systems <LI>E &#8211;automation and e&#8211;factory <LI>E &#8211;business integration <LI>E &#8211;diagnostics and e&#8211;maintenance <LI>Embedded control systems&#046; <LI>Equipment and process technology for automation <LI>Factory modeling and simulation <LI>Fuzzy systems <LI>Genetic algorithms <LI>Home, laboratory and service automation <LI>Human centered systems <LI>Human&#8211;computer interactions <LI>Hybrid systems <LI>Identification and estimation <LI>Image/video analysis <LI>Industrial control electronics <LI>Industrial information technology <LI>Instrumentation systems <LI>Intelligent automation <LI>Intelligent systems <LI>Large scale control systems <LI>Linear and non&#8211;linear systems <LI>Lisp programming <LI>Localization, navigation and mapping <LI>Machinery for automation <LI>Mechanism design and applications <LI>Mechatronics sensing and control technology <LI>Medical robots and bio&#8211;robotics <LI>MEMS/ NEMS <LI><A id=TopicsInterest name=TopicsInterest></A>Micro robots and micro&#8211;manipulation <LI>Mobile robotics <LI>Mobile sensor networks <LI>Model&#8211;based diagnosis <LI>Modeling and identification <LI>Modeling and simulator building <LI>Modeling, estimation and prediction <LI>Motion and navigation control <LI>Multidimensional Systems <LI>Nano&#8211;scale automation and assembly <LI>Network&#8211;based systems <LI>Networked control systems <LI>Neural networks <LI>Neuro controllers <LI>Neuro&#8211;fuzzy controllers <LI>Nonlinear systems <LI>Object&#8211;oriented Petri nets <LI>Opto&#8211;mechatronic technology for automation <LI>Perception systems <LI>Petri Nets <LI>Planning, scheduling and coordination <LI>Power system control <LI>Precision motion control <LI>Process automation <LI>Process control <LI>Pursuing and tracking <LI>Real&#8211;time and fault&#8211;tolerant systems <LI>Robot and manipulator control <LI>Robot sensing and data fusion <LI>Robotics <LI>Robust control <LI>Search, rescue and field robotics <LI>Sensors, actuators and transducers <LI>Space and underwater robots <LI>Stability, controllability and observations <LI>Stochastic control <LI>Studies on nuclear systems control <LI>Studies on signal and system <LI>System integration technology for automation <LI>Tele&#8211;robotics <LI>Temporal and spectral system analysis <LI>Thermal system control <LI>Tracking and surveillance</LI>