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<P>Welcome to the official website of the 2008 International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Genomics and Chemoinformatics (BCBGC&#8211;08)&#046; The conference will be held during 7&#8211;10 of July 2008 in Orlando, FL, USA&#046; TThe conference will be held at the <A href=&#8243;http://www&#046;imperialswanorlando&#046;com/&#8243;>Imperial Swan Hotel &amp; Suites</A> located at 7050 South Kirkman Road Orlando, FL, 32819&#8211;8284, USA</P> <P><STRONG>Keywords:</STRONG> </P> <P>Agricultural and natural biotechnology products ; Amino acid sequencing ;Biological morphology ;Biomedical image processing;Biomedicine, epidemiology and agriculture ;Bio&#8211;ontology and data mining ;Biophysics and biomechanics;Biosignal processing and understanding ;Comparative genomics ;Complexity ;Computational genetics ;Computational genomics ;Computational nanoscience and nanotechnology ;Computational systems biology ;Computer networks in biology;Computer&#8211;aided drug design ;Databases and data Integration ;Datamining ;Design and synthesis of biological systems ;Developmental biology ;Diagnosis ;Drug discovery ;Dynamical systems ;Dynamics of complex biological systems ;Evolution and phylogenetics ;Evolution of biological networks ;Gene expression networks ;Gene identification and annotation ;Genetic improvement ;Genetics ;Human health ;Immunoinformatics ;Inference of gene interaction networks ;Inference of gene regulatory and protein signaling networks ;Machine learning ;Metabolomics in health and disease ;Modeling and identification of biological systems ;Molecular and supramolecular dynamics ;Molecular engineering ;Molecular evolution and phylogeny ;Molecular modeling and simulation ;Neuroinformatics ;Ontologies ;Optimization and control of biological processes ;Parallel bioinformatics algorithms ;Parallel and distributed computing applications ;Pathways and systems biology ;Pathways, networks, and systems ;Pattern recognition ;Post&#8211;genomics ;Protein structure prediction ;Protein&#8211;protein interaction networks ;Proteomics ;Proteomics for systems biology ;Sequence Analysis ;Simulation and system dynamics ;Software environments ;Statistics ;Structural bioinformatics ;Systems biology and drug development ;Systems biology and environmental science ;Systems biology and genome&#8211;wide association studies ;Text mining and information extraction ;Transcriptomics ;Applications such as AI and computing techniques ;Bioautomation ;Bioenergy ;Bioenvironmental engineering ;Bioinformatics and mathematical theory ;Biological data integration ;Biological data mining ;Biological data visualization ;Biological databases ;Biomaterials ;Biomedical engineering ;Biomedical imaging and image processing ;Biomedical instrumentation and biosensors ;Biomedical signal processing ;Brain and neural engineering ;Cardiovascular system engineering ;Clinical engineering ;Computational biology and bioinformatics ;Education, application, and society ;Hospital management information systems ;Medical robotics ;Molecular, cellular and tissue engineering ;Neuromuscular systems and biomechanics ;Physiologic system modeling ;Respiratory system engineering ;Space medicine and biology ;Telemedicine and healthcare ;Therapeutic physics and rehabilitation ;Biomedical sciences and engineering ;Biometrics and biostatistics ;Bio&#8211;molecular engineering ;Bio&#8211;ontologies ;Bio&#8211;pharmaceutical engineering ;Biopharmaceutical research ;Bioprocess engineering ;Biotechnology applications in medicine and health ;Comparative genomics ;Computational drug discovery ;Drug target identification ;Epidemic models ;Ethics in biotechnology ;Evolution and phylogenetics ;Evolution of regulatory genomic sequences ;Experimental studies ;Food and process engineering ;Functional and comparative genomics ;Gene identification ;Gene pattern discovery ;Gene regulation ;Genetic network modeling ;Genomic analysis ;Genomic databases ;Hidden Markov models ;Image processing ;Knowledge discovery ;Macromolecular structure prediction ;Mathematical biology ;Medical automation ;Medical informatics ;Metabolic modeling and pathways ;Microarrays ;Molecular dynamics and simulation ;Molecular interactions ;Molecular sequence alignment and assembly ;Molecular sequence assembly ;Molecular sequence classification ;Molecular sequence databases ;Molecular structure databases ;Nano&#8211;biotechnology ;Pattern recognition and analysis ;Phylogeny reconstruction ;Protein folding ;Protein modeling ;Protein structure and function prediction ;Proteomics ;RNA and DNA sequencing ;RNA and DNA structure ;Sequence analysis and alignment ;Sequence analysis and annotation ;Software environments ;Software methods ;Stochastic modeling ;Structural and functional genomics ;Text mining and information extraction </P>