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<P><FONT face=&#8243;Book Antiqua&#8243;>The CASES conference provides a forum for emerging technology in embedded computing systems, with an emphasis on compilers and architectures for embedded systems&#046; CASES is a common forum for researchers with an interest in embedded systems to reach across vertically integrated communities and to promote synergies&#046; As evident from the past CASES meetings, several emerging applications are critically dependent on these interactions for their sustained growth and evolution&#046;</FONT><STRONG></STRONG></P> <P><STRONG> Keywords:</STRONG> </P><FONT face=&#8243;Book Antiqua&#8243;> <LI>Nanoscale challenges and embedded computing <LI>VLSI and circuit techniques for embedded system design <LI>Design, specification, and synthesis of embedded systems <LI>Customizable processors and digital signal processors <LI>Reconfigurable embedded computing systems <LI>Novel architectures and micro&#8211;architectures for embedded systems <LI>Instruction&#8211;level parallelism for embedded, including VLIW, EPIC and superscalar <LI>Multicore for embedded: hardware and software issues <LI>Memory management, smart caches and compiler controlled memories <LI>Low&#8211;power architectures and compilation, power vs&#046; performance tradeoffs <LI>Compilation techniques that focus on embedded architectures <LI>Dynamic compilation and managed runtime environments for embedded systems <LI>Embedded system integration and testing <LI>Validation, verification, and debugging techniques for embedded software <LI>Profiling, measurement, and analysis techniques of embedded applications <LI>Application&#8211;specific and domain&#8211;specific embedded systems </FONT><BR></LI> <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=&#8243;100%&#8243; border=0><!&#8211;&#8211;msimagelist&#8211;&#8211;> <TBODY> <TR><!&#8211;&#8211;msimagelist&#8211;&#8211;> <TD vAlign=baseline width=42></TD> <TD vAlign=top width=&#8243;100%&#8243;> <P style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;TOP: 0px; MARGIN&#8211;BOTTOM: 0px; LINE&#8211;HEIGHT: 150%&#8243; align=left> <P style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;TOP: 0px; MARGIN&#8211;BOTTOM: 0px; LINE&#8211;HEIGHT: 150%&#8243; align=left> </P> <P></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>