<P><FONT face=″Book Antiqua″>The CASES conference provides a forum for emerging technology in embedded computing systems, with an emphasis on compilers and architectures for embedded systems. CASES is a common forum for researchers with an interest in embedded systems to reach across vertically integrated communities and to promote synergies. As evident from the past CASES meetings, several emerging applications are critically dependent on these interactions for their sustained growth and evolution.</FONT><STRONG></STRONG></P> <P><STRONG> Keywords:</STRONG> </P><FONT face=″Book Antiqua″> <LI>Nanoscale challenges and embedded computing <LI>VLSI and circuit techniques for embedded system design <LI>Design, specification, and synthesis of embedded systems <LI>Customizable processors and digital signal processors <LI>Reconfigurable embedded computing systems <LI>Novel architectures and micro–architectures for embedded systems <LI>Instruction–level parallelism for embedded, including VLIW, EPIC and superscalar <LI>Multicore for embedded: hardware and software issues <LI>Memory management, smart caches and compiler controlled memories <LI>Low–power architectures and compilation, power vs. performance tradeoffs <LI>Compilation techniques that focus on embedded architectures <LI>Dynamic compilation and managed runtime environments for embedded systems <LI>Embedded system integration and testing <LI>Validation, verification, and debugging techniques for embedded software <LI>Profiling, measurement, and analysis techniques of embedded applications <LI>Application–specific and domain–specific embedded systems </FONT><BR></LI> <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=″100%″ border=0><!––msimagelist––> <TBODY> <TR><!––msimagelist––> <TD vAlign=baseline width=42></TD> <TD vAlign=top width=″100%″> <P style=″MARGIN–TOP: 0px; MARGIN–BOTTOM: 0px; LINE–HEIGHT: 150%″ align=left> <P style=″MARGIN–TOP: 0px; MARGIN–BOTTOM: 0px; LINE–HEIGHT: 150%″ align=left> </P> <P></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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