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United States
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<P><FONT face=&#8243;Book Antiqua&#8243;>The International Conference on Hardware&#8211;Software Codesign and System Synthesis is the premier event in design of embedded systems hardware, software and tools&#046; The conference proudly continues the tradition of being a high&#8211;quality forum for active discussion on current and innovative topics&#046; The program will bring together the latest in academic and industrial research and development&#046; High&#8211;quality original papers will be accepted for oral presentation followed by interactive poster sessions&#046; Selected papers from the conference proceedings will be targeted for journal publication&#046;</FONT><STRONG></STRONG></P> <P><STRONG> Keywords:</STRONG> </P><FONT face=&#8243;Book Antiqua&#8243;> <LI>High&#8211;level, architectural and system&#8211;level synthesis &#8211; Specification and refinement, design representation, synthesis, partitioning, estimation, design space exploration <LI>Hardware&#8211;software co&#8211;design &#8211; Co&#8211;design methodologies, interaction between architecture and software design, HW/SW partitioning, design space exploration, HW/SW interface&#046; <LI>Specification languages and models &#8211; System&#8211;level models and semantics, timing analysis, power, formal properties, heterogeneous systems and components&#046; <LI>Simulation and verification &#8211; Hardware&#8211;software cosimulation, verification methodology, formal verification, HW acceleration, test methodology, design for testability <LI>Power&#8211;aware design methodology &#8211; Power and performance modeling, analysis and estimation techniques, power management approaches, low&#8211;power design methodologies <LI>Embedded systems architecture &#8211; Architecture optimization, application&#8211;specific architectures, memory and communication architecture exploration, architecture optimization <LI>Embedded software &#8211; Compilers, memory management, virtual machines, scheduling, power&#8211;aware OS, real&#8211;time support and middleware&#046; Multicore and multiprocessor programming models for SoCs and NoCs, profiling techniques and trace generation <LI>Application&#8211;specific architectures and algorithms &#8211; Application&#8211;specific processor architectures and tools, Hardware accelerators and/or processors for network, media and security applications&#046; Reconfigurable processors&#046; <LI>Industrial practices and case studies and emerging techniques &#8211; Design experiences of high interest to the community&#046; Applications of new state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art methodologies and tools to real&#8211;life problems in various application areas: e&#046;g&#046; wireless, networking, multimedia, automotive, medical systems and sensor networks&#046; New challenges for next generation embedded computing systems, arising from increased heterogeneity, new technologies or new applications&#046; <LI>Multiprocessors and MPSoC &#8211;Multiprocessor architectures, design space exploration, MPSoC&#046; <LI>Network&#8211;on&#8211;chip &#8211; On&#8211;chip communication architectures and protocols, switching, routers and communications space exploration&#046; </FONT></LI> <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=&#8243;100%&#8243; border=0><!&#8211;&#8211;msimagelist&#8211;&#8211;> <TBODY> <TR><!&#8211;&#8211;msimagelist&#8211;&#8211;> <TD vAlign=baseline width=42></TD> <TD vAlign=top width=&#8243;100%&#8243;> <P style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;TOP: 0px; MARGIN&#8211;BOTTOM: 0px; LINE&#8211;HEIGHT: 150%&#8243; align=left> <P style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;TOP: 0px; MARGIN&#8211;BOTTOM: 0px; LINE&#8211;HEIGHT: 150%&#8243; align=left> </P> <P></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>