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You are invited to participate in the 10th NASA&#8211;ESA Product Data Exchange (PDE) Workshop, which is jointly organized by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the European Space Agency (ESA) and an international advisory panel&#046; This year the workshop returns to ESTEC – the European Space Research and Technology Centre of ESA – where the workshop was also held in 2002 &#046; <BR><B>Keywords:</B> <UL> <LI>Open standards as enablers for multi&#8211;disciplinary integrated product development teams and advanced engineering analysis and simulation: <UL> <LI>Collaborative &#8243;e&#8211;engineering&#8243; scenarios / &#8243;virtual product models&#8243; <LI>Advances in robust industrial CAD, CAE, CAM, systems engineering, and PDM interoperability based on open standards such as ISO 10303 (STEP) and OMG specifications (e&#046;g&#046; MDA, PLM Services, and SysML), and architectural frameworks (e&#046;g&#046; DoDAF/MoDAF) <LI>Linking systems engineering, mechanical design (mCAD), electrical design (eCAD), software design, analysis &amp; simulation (CAE, discrete event, real&#8211;time, communication links, virtual reality, &#046;&#046;&#046;), manufacturing (CAM), assembly, integration &amp; testing, logistics, deployment and operation <LI>Linking standards for product data and life cycle processes (workflows) <LI>Shared or open electronic dictionaries, catalogues and reference data libraries – including issues regarding their operation, maintenance and intellectual property rights</LI></UL> <LI>Reliable long&#8211;term archival and re&#8211;use of product data for complex systems <LI>Awareness and application of underlying standards and software technology that enable efficient product lifecycles, e&#046;g&#046;: <UL> <LI>Data modeling, transport and APIs: STEP EXPRESS, UML2/OCL/XMI, XML/XSD, WSDL/SOAP/web services, &#046;&#046;&#046; <LI>Advanced software architectures, automated transformations and code generation: OMG&#8242;s Model Driven Architecture (MDA), MOF/XMI, QVT, &#046;&#046;&#046; <LI>Reference data, ontologies, semantic web: PLIB, ISO 15926, RDF/OWL, &#046;&#046;&#046;</LI></UL> <LI>Joining open standards with the open source software (OSS) development model for cost&#8211;effective implementations that avoid vendor dependencies <LI>Success stories and lessons learned in developing, implementing and/or using open product data exchange and data sharing standards <LI>Sustainability of open solutions, including total cost of usage/ownership, stakeholder win&#8211;win mechanisms, and balancing openness versus business viability and competitive advantage&#046;</LI></UL>