You are invited to participate in the 10th NASA–ESA Product Data Exchange (PDE) Workshop, which is jointly organized by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the European Space Agency (ESA) and an international advisory panel. This year the workshop returns to ESTEC – the European Space Research and Technology Centre of ESA – where the workshop was also held in 2002 . <BR><B>Keywords:</B> <UL> <LI>Open standards as enablers for multi–disciplinary integrated product development teams and advanced engineering analysis and simulation: <UL> <LI>Collaborative ″e–engineering″ scenarios / ″virtual product models″ <LI>Advances in robust industrial CAD, CAE, CAM, systems engineering, and PDM interoperability based on open standards such as ISO 10303 (STEP) and OMG specifications (e.g. MDA, PLM Services, and SysML), and architectural frameworks (e.g. DoDAF/MoDAF) <LI>Linking systems engineering, mechanical design (mCAD), electrical design (eCAD), software design, analysis & simulation (CAE, discrete event, real–time, communication links, virtual reality, ...), manufacturing (CAM), assembly, integration & testing, logistics, deployment and operation <LI>Linking standards for product data and life cycle processes (workflows) <LI>Shared or open electronic dictionaries, catalogues and reference data libraries – including issues regarding their operation, maintenance and intellectual property rights</LI></UL> <LI>Reliable long–term archival and re–use of product data for complex systems <LI>Awareness and application of underlying standards and software technology that enable efficient product lifecycles, e.g.: <UL> <LI>Data modeling, transport and APIs: STEP EXPRESS, UML2/OCL/XMI, XML/XSD, WSDL/SOAP/web services, ... <LI>Advanced software architectures, automated transformations and code generation: OMG′s Model Driven Architecture (MDA), MOF/XMI, QVT, ... <LI>Reference data, ontologies, semantic web: PLIB, ISO 15926, RDF/OWL, ...</LI></UL> <LI>Joining open standards with the open source software (OSS) development model for cost–effective implementations that avoid vendor dependencies <LI>Success stories and lessons learned in developing, implementing and/or using open product data exchange and data sharing standards <LI>Sustainability of open solutions, including total cost of usage/ownership, stakeholder win–win mechanisms, and balancing openness versus business viability and competitive advantage.</LI></UL>
Deadline Paper
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