Deadline Paper
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<P>The 21th IEEE International Symposium on Computer&#8211;Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2008) will be held on June 17&#8211;19, 2008 at University of Jyväskylä, Finland&#046; CBMS 2008 is held in cooperation with the <A href=&#8243;http://www&#046;acm&#046;org/&#8243;>Association for Computing Machinery</A> (ACM) Special Interest Group on Applied Computing (SIGAPP), and is sponsored by the <A href=&#8243;http://www&#046;computer&#046;org/&#8243;>IEEE Computer Society</A> (Technical Committee on Computational Medicine, TCCM) and the <A href=&#8243;http://www&#046;jyu&#046;fi/it/laitokset/cs/en&#8243;>Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, University of Jyväskylä</A>&#046; </P> <P>CBMS 2008 is intended to provide an international forum for discussing the latest results in the field of computational medicine&#046; The scientific program of CBMS 2008 will consist of invited keynote talks given by leading scientists in the field, and regular and special tracks sessions that cover a broad array of issues which relate computing to medicine&#046;&#046;<BR><BR><B>Keywords:</B></P> <LI>Software Systems in Medicine <LI>Computer&#8211;Aided Diagnosis <LI>Knowledge Discovery &amp; Data Mining <LI>Knowledge&#8211;Based &amp; Decision Support Systems <LI>Medical Devices with Embedded Computers <LI>Signal and Image Processing in Medicine <LI>Medical Image Segmentation &amp; Compression <LI>Network and Telemedicine Systems <LI>Medical Databases &amp; Information Systems <LI>Web&#8211;Based Delivery of Medical Information <LI>Multimedia Biomedical Databases <LI>Content and Semantic Analysis of Biomedical Image Data <LI>Handheld Computing Applications in Medicine <LI>Bioinformatics in Medicine <LI>Pervasive Health Systems and Services </LI>