<SPAN style=″FONT–SIZE: 11px; LINE–HEIGHT: 16px; FONT–FAMILY: ′Verdana′, ′sans–serif′″><SPAN style=″FONT–SIZE: 10pt; FONT–FAMILY: Arial″><SPAN style=″FONT–SIZE: 11px; LINE–HEIGHT: 16px; FONT–FAMILY: ′Verdana′, ′sans–serif′″><SPAN style=″FONT–SIZE: 10pt; FONT–FAMILY: Arial″><FONT face=″Times New Roman″ size=3>The goal of the SPEC International Performance Evaluation Workshop 2008 is to bridge the gap between theory and practice in the field of system performance evaluation by providing a forum for sharing ideas and experiences between industry and academia. The workshop will bring together researchers and industry practitioners to share and present their experiences, discuss challenges, and report state–of–the–art and in–progress research in all aspects of performance evaluation. The workshop is co–located with and will take place immediately after a SPEC meeting which will be attended by numerous representatives from across the hardware and software industry. This will provide a unique opportunity for researchers to meet with industry practitioners. </FONT></SPAN></SPAN><BR></SPAN></SPAN><B>Keywords:</B> <DIV class=″paragraph Free_Form″ style=″MARGIN–TOP: 0px; MARGIN–BOTTOM: 0px; PADDING–BOTTOM: 0pt; LINE–HEIGHT: 16px; TEXT–ALIGN: justify″><SPAN style=″FONT–SIZE: 13px; LINE–HEIGHT: 15px; FONT–FAMILY: ′ArialMT′, ′Arial′, ′sans–serif′″><SPAN class=tinyText></SPAN></SPAN><SPAN style=″FONT–SIZE: 13px; LINE–HEIGHT: 15px; FONT–FAMILY: ′ArialMT′, ′Arial′, ′sans–serif′″><SPAN style=″FONT–SIZE: 10pt; FONT–FAMILY: Arial; mso–bidi–font–family: Tahoma″> <P>Benchmarking; Workload Characterization and Experimental Performance Evaluation; Performance Modeling and Analysis; Performance Case Studies; Performance–Oriented Design and Development </P></SPAN></SPAN></DIV>
Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date