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<P>The 2008 International Symposium on Ubiquitous Multimedia Computing (UMC&#8211;08) will be held in Australia on October 13 &#8211; 15, 2008&#046; </P> <P align=justify>UMC&#8211;08 will be the most comprehensive conference focused on the various aspects of advances in Computer Science&#046; </P> <P align=justify>UMC&#8211;08 will provide an opportunity for academic and industry professionals to discuss the latest issues and progress in the area of UMC&#046; In addition, the symposium will publish high quality papers which are closely related to the various theories and practical applications in UMC&#046; <B>Keywords:</B></P> <P align=justify>&#8211;Ubiquitous multimedia services and applications <BR>&#8211;Pervasive and interactive multimedia systems <BR>&#8211;Intelligent context&#8211;awareness for UMC <BR>&#8211;UMS for human communication interation <BR>&#8211;Multimedia systems, architecture, and applications for UMC<BR>&#8211;Multimedia networking and QoS for UMC<BR>&#8211;P2P multimedia systems and streaming for UMC<BR>&#8211;Security issues on UMC <BR>&#8211;Content protection and digital rights management for UMC <BR>&#8211;Software development using multimedia techniques in UMC<BR>&#8211;Multimedia and multimodal user interfaces and interaction models in UMC <BR>&#8211;Multimedia file systems, databases, and retrieval for UMC<BR>&#8211;Mobile multimedia systems and services for UMC <BR>&#8211;Multimedia modeling and processing for UMC<BR>&#8211;Emerging standards and technologies for UMC <BR>&#8211;Ubiquitous multimeida business model</P>