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<P align=justify>MoMM&#8242;2008 aims to provide an international forum by researchers, students, and professionals <BR>for presenting recent research results on mobile computing and multimedia, and to bring together <BR>experts from both academia and industry for the exchange of ideas and discussion on future <BR>challenges in mobile computing and multimedia&#046;<BR><BR><B>Keywords:</B> Mobile Computing Track<BR><BR> &#8211; Mobile Applications &amp; Services<BR> &#8211; Mobile Computing Software Architectures<BR> &#8211; Mobile Network Traffic Engineering, Performance &amp; Optimization<BR> &#8211; Wireless &amp; Mobile Network Management and Service Infrastructure<BR> &#8211; Database and Data Management Mobile Computing<BR> &#8211; Regulatory and Societal Issues of Mobile Computing<BR> &#8211; Mobile Computing Markets &amp; Business Models<BR> &#8211; Provisioning of Mobile Services<BR> &#8211; Personalization, Privacy and Security in Mobile Computing<BR> &#8211; Mobility and Location Management<BR> &#8211; Transaction Processing in Mobile Environments<BR> &#8211; Integration and Interworking of Wired and Wireless Networks <BR> &#8211; Distributed Systems Aspects of Mobile Computing <BR> &#8211; Operating System and Middleware Support for Mobile Computing <BR> &#8211; Security and Privacy of Mobile/Wireless Systems <BR><BR>Multimedia Track<BR><BR> &#8211; Multimedia Databases<BR> &#8211; Multimedia streaming and services<BR> &#8211; Multimedia Coding and Encryption<BR> &#8211; Multimedia for Learning<BR> &#8211; Multimedia Description Language and Standard<BR> &#8211; Image Clustering<BR> &#8211; Content&#8211;Based Image Retrieval<BR> &#8211; Interfaces for Multimedia Creation<BR> &#8211; Media Fusion for Communication and Presentation<BR> &#8211; Audio Analysis, Modeling, Processing and Transformation<BR> &#8211; Video Analysis, Modeling, Processing and Transformation<BR> &#8211; Video Mining and MPEG<BR> &#8211; Image Modeling and Editing<BR> &#8211; AI and Image Recognition<BR> &#8211; Distributed Multimedia System<BR><BR>Mobile Multimedia Track<BR><BR> &#8211; Mobile Multimedia Applications &amp; Services<BR> &#8211; Communication and Cooperation through Mobile Multimedia<BR> &#8211; Mobile Multimedia Software Architectures<BR> &#8211; Wireless &amp; Mobile Multimedia Network Management<BR> &#8211; Mobile Multimedia Network Traffic Engineering &amp; Optimization<BR> &#8211; Enabling Infrastructures for Mobile Multimedia<BR> &#8211; Regulatory and Societal Issues of Mobile Multimedia<BR> &#8211; Mobile Multimedia Markets &amp; Business Models<BR> &#8211; Provisioning of Mobile Multimedia Services<BR></P>