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<P>The fifteenth Asia&#8211;Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC) will be held in Beijing, China&#046; APSEC is the leading international conference in software engineering and technology in the Asia&#8211;Pacific region&#046; APSEC 2008 will bring together researchers and practitioners from industry, academia, and government to share the state of the art technology in software engineering&#046; This year&#8242;s theme is Software for Dependable Systems&#046; We seek to explore emerging challenges in software for dependable systems&#046; With the increasingly pervasive nature of embedded and ubiquitous software, our lives are increasingly dependent on software&#046; Software engineering is facing challenges of safety, dependability, sustainability, and various other aspects in the development of such software or the provision of services using software&#046; The challenges are in both the software development methods and methods for obtaining assurance that dependability has been achieved&#046; </P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> &#8211; Dependable Computing <BR>&#8211; Software Reliability Engineering <BR>&#8211; Ubiquitous and Embedded Software <BR>&#8211; Software Metrics and Measurement <BR>&#8211; Program Analysis and Understanding <BR>&#8211; Service&#8211;Oriented Architecture <BR>&#8211; Software Architecture <BR>&#8211; Requirements Engineering <BR>&#8211; Domain&#8211;Specific Software Development <BR>&#8211; Software Product&#8211;Line Engineering <BR>&#8211; Component&#8211;Based Software Engineering <BR>&#8211; Aspect&#8211;Oriented Software Technology <BR>&#8211; Software Maintenance and Evolution <BR>&#8211; Reverse Engineering <BR>&#8211; Empirical Software Engineering <BR>&#8211; Software Project Management <BR>&#8211; Software Process Improvement <BR>&#8211; Testing, Verification and Validation <BR>&#8211; Formal Methods <BR>&#8211; Quality Management <BR>&#8211; Global Software Development and Outsourcing <BR>&#8211; Software Engineering Education </P>