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WWIC is a single&#8211;track conference which addresses a wide range of research topics related to the next generation mobile networks and their integration with the Internet core through wireless access technologies&#046;<B>Keywords:</B> <P> &#8211; AAA in mobile environments<BR> &#8211; Ambient networks<BR> &#8211; Ad&#8211;hoc mobile networks<BR> &#8211; Blended network configurations<BR> &#8211; Beyond 3G networks technologies<BR> &#8211; Cross layer interactions<BR> &#8211; Economical issues of wireless networks<BR> &#8211; End&#8211;to&#8211;end Quality of Service support<BR> &#8211; Handover techniques<BR> &#8211; Heterogeneous wireless access networks<BR> &#8211; Hybrid wired / wireless environments<BR> &#8211; Integration of wired and wireless networks<BR> &#8211; Mobile service level agreements / specification<BR> &#8211; Mobility management<BR> &#8211; Network design and network planning<BR> &#8211; Network mobility<BR> &#8211; Network coding in mobile networks<BR> &#8211; Network security in mobile environments<BR> &#8211; Performance evaluation of wireless systems<BR> &#8211; Pricing, charging and accounting in wireless networks<BR> &#8211; QoS routing in mobile networks<BR> &#8211; QoS signalling in mobile environments<BR> &#8211; Resource management and admission control<BR> &#8211; Service creation and management for wireless<BR> &#8211; Simulation for next generation mobile networks<BR> &#8211; Traffic characterisation and modelling<BR> &#8211; Traffic engineering<BR> &#8211; Transport protocols and congestion control<BR> &#8211; Wireless mesh networks<BR> &#8211; Wireless multi&#8211;hop networks<BR> &#8211; Wireless multimedia systems<BR> &#8211; Wireless network monitoring<BR> &#8211; Wireless sensor networks</P>