<P>MTNS is one of the main conferences in the general area of mathematical systems and control theory. The symposium is interdisciplinary and is aimed at mathematicians, engineers and researchers interested in any aspect of systems theory. MTNS is usually organized every two years and traditionally covers areas involving a wide range of research directions in mathematical systems, networks and control theory.</P> <P><STRONG>Keywords:</STRONG> Adaptive Control, Algebraic Systems Theory, Applications of Algebraic and Differential Geometry in Systems Theory, Aerospace and Avionic Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Biological Systems, Cellular Automata, Coding Theory, Communication Systems, Computational Control, Computer Networks, Control issues in Finance, Control of Distributed Parameter Systems, Delay Systems, Discrete Event Systems, Feedback Control Systems, Hybrid Systems, Information Theory, Infinite Dimensional Systems Theory, Intelligent Control, Internet Control, Linear Systems, Mathematical Theory of Networks and Circuits, Mechanical Systems, Multidimensional Systems, Multivariable and Large Scale Systems, Neural Networks, Nonlinear Filtering and Estimation, Nonlinear Systems and Control, Numerical and Symbolic Computations in Systems Theory, Operator Theoretic Methods in Systems Theory, Optimal Control, Optimization : Theory and Algorithms, Process Control, Quantum Information Theory, Quantum Control, Robotics, Robust and H–Infinity Control, Signal Processing, Stability, Stochastic Control and Estimation, Stochastic Modeling and Stochastic Systems Theory, Symbolic Dynamics, System Identification, Systems on Graphs, Transportation Systems, VLSI Design, Wavelets. </P>
United States
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