Deadline Paper
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<P>The 2008 edition of the <STRONG><SPAN class=caps>IEEE</SPAN> International Conference on Data Mining</STRONG> series (<SPAN class=caps>ICDM</SPAN> 2008) will be held in Pisa, Italy, on <STRONG>December 15 thru 19, 2008</STRONG>&#046;</P> <P>The International Conference on Data Mining series (<SPAN class=caps>ICDM</SPAN>) is well established as a top ranked research conference in data mining, providing a premier forum for presentation of original research results, as well as exchange and dissemination of innovative, practical development experiences&#046;</P> <P>The conference covers all aspects of data mining, including algorithms, software and systems, and applications&#046; In addition, <SPAN class=caps>ICDM</SPAN> draws researchers and application developers from a wide range of data mining related areas such as statistics, machine learning, pattern recognition, databases and data warehousing, data visualization, knowledge&#8211;based systems, and high performance computing&#046; By promoting novel, high quality research findings, and innovative solutions to challenging data mining problems, the conference seeks to continuously advance the state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art in data mining&#046; Besides the technical program, the conference will feature workshops, tutorials, panels and, new for this year, the <SPAN class=caps>ICDM</SPAN> data mining contest&#046; </P> <P> <STRONG>Keywords:</STRONG> </P>