<P style=″MARGIN–BOTTOM: 8.35pt; TEXT–ALIGN: justify″><FONT face=Verdana size=3><SPAN lang=EN–US style=″FONT–SIZE: 11pt; FONT–FAMILY: Verdana″>The aim of ECIO 2008 is to provide a forum where experts within integrated optics and nanophotonics can exchange their new ideas and latest findings. ECIO covers research in the fields of modeling, design, fabrication, packaging and applications of Photonic ICs. It includes research on new and existing materials and devices and addresses a broad range of applications, including telecommunications, signal processing, bio–medicine, sensors and instrumentation. The conference will be held in Eindhoven, the Netherlands on Wednesday through Friday, June 11–13, 2008. In conjunction with ECIO, the Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modeling, OWTNM, will be held on June 13–14, 2008, to discuss current theoretical problems in guided wave optics, guided light propagation, photonic band gap devices, quantum devices and non linear optical interactions. The Epixnet annual meeting is collocated with ECIO and is held on Monday and Tuesday June 9–10, 2008. </SPAN></FONT> <B>Keywords:</B></P> <UL> <LI>Photonic ICs: design, fabrication, packaging, testing and application <LI>Passive waveguide devices, switches and modulators, sources and detectors <LI>Integrated optical amplifiers and lasers including VCSELs <LI>Electro–, acousto–, thermo–, magneto–optical devices <LI>Nonlinear devices: converters, frequency mixers, signal regenerators, ultrafast optical switches <LI>Hybrid photonic devices <LI>Nanophotonics, photonic crystal materials and devices, metamaterials <LI>Plasmonic waveguides and devices <LI>Materials and fabrication technologies for waveguide photonic devices <LI>Quantum dots, wires and wells <LI>Modeling, theory and simulation of active and passive guided wave devices and quantum optical or opto–electronic structures <LI>Characterization and testing of integrated circuits, devices, waveguides and materials <LI>Hybrid integration and packaging: flip–chip and bonding techniques, novel pigtailing and packaging technologies, micro–optical benches <LI>Application of waveguide devices and systems: telecom & datacom, quantum communication, biophotonics, instrumentation and sensors, microwave applications, data storage </LI></UL>
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