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<P style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;BOTTOM: 8&#046;35pt; TEXT&#8211;ALIGN: justify&#8243;><FONT face=Verdana size=3><SPAN lang=EN&#8211;US style=&#8243;FONT&#8211;SIZE: 11pt; FONT&#8211;FAMILY: Verdana&#8243;>The aim of ECIO 2008 is to provide a forum where experts within integrated optics and nanophotonics can exchange their new ideas and latest findings&#046; ECIO covers research in the fields of modeling, design, fabrication, packaging and applications of Photonic ICs&#046; It includes research on new and existing materials and devices and addresses a broad range of applications, including telecommunications, signal processing, bio&#8211;medicine, sensors and instrumentation&#046; The conference will be held in Eindhoven, the Netherlands on Wednesday through Friday, June 11&#8211;13, 2008&#046; In conjunction with ECIO, the Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modeling, OWTNM, will be held on June 13&#8211;14, 2008, to discuss current theoretical problems in guided wave optics, guided light propagation, photonic band gap devices, quantum devices and non linear optical interactions&#046; The Epixnet annual meeting is collocated with ECIO and is held on Monday and Tuesday June 9&#8211;10, 2008&#046; </SPAN></FONT> <B>Keywords:</B></P> <UL> <LI>Photonic ICs: design, fabrication, packaging, testing and application <LI>Passive waveguide devices, switches and modulators, sources and detectors <LI>Integrated optical amplifiers and lasers including VCSELs <LI>Electro&#8211;, acousto&#8211;, thermo&#8211;, magneto&#8211;optical devices <LI>Nonlinear devices: converters, frequency mixers, signal regenerators, ultrafast optical switches <LI>Hybrid photonic devices <LI>Nanophotonics, photonic crystal materials and devices, metamaterials <LI>Plasmonic waveguides and devices <LI>Materials and fabrication technologies for waveguide photonic devices <LI>Quantum dots, wires and wells <LI>Modeling, theory and simulation of active and passive guided wave devices and quantum optical or opto&#8211;electronic structures <LI>Characterization and testing of integrated circuits, devices, waveguides and materials <LI>Hybrid integration and packaging: flip&#8211;chip and bonding techniques, novel pigtailing and packaging technologies, micro&#8211;optical benches <LI>Application of waveguide devices and systems: telecom &amp; datacom, quantum communication, biophotonics, instrumentation and sensors, microwave applications, data storage </LI></UL>