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<P>Sensor networks are the focus of a worldwide, multidisciplinary community of scientists and engineers&#046; The possibility of using small and inexpensive sensor nodes to create flexible and robust networks for gathering information is central to this vibrant field&#046; Research is being undertaken to develop new networking methods, efficient power management strategies, and novel sensing and localization technologies&#046; In addition, researchers are working to overcome challenges related to the use of sensor networks in a vast array of application scenarios&#046; </P> <P>The IASTED International Symposium on Distributed Sensor Networks (DSN 2008) will be a place for these researchers to gather, exchange ideas, and discuss new directions in the area of sensor networks&#046; It will bring together experts in fields such as networking, power management, distributed computation, remote sensing, environmental monitoring, and embedded systems&#046; All papers submitted to this conference will be double&#8211;blind reviewed by at least two reviewers&#046; Acceptance will be based primarily on originality and contribution&#046;</P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> <FONT size=2></P> <H3 class=article> <TABLE> <TBODY> <TR> <TD style=&#8243;VERTICAL&#8211;ALIGN: top; WIDTH: 33%&#8243;> <H3 class=article>ALGORITHM AND PROTOCOL</H3> <UL> <LI>Cross&#8211;layer design <LI>Data aggregation <LI>Distributed algorithms and complexity analysis <LI>Genetic algorithms <LI>Localization <LI>Medium access control protocols <LI>Mesh and opportunistic networks <LI>Mobile sensor networks <LI>Mobility support <LI>Multi&#8211;query optimization <LI>Multiscale communication in sensor networks <LI>Network architectures for sensor networks <LI>Protocols for sensor networks <LI>Redundancy <LI>RFID <LI>Routing and transport protocol <LI>Self&#8211;healing and self&#8211;configuration of networks <LI>Sensor&#8211;actor networks <LI>Sensor tracking <LI>SoC and SiP with integrated sensors <LI>Target tracking <LI>Time synchronization <LI>Trends in technology and standards </LI></UL> <H3 class=article>SECURITY</H3> <UL> <LI>Base station security management <LI>Encryption algorithm <LI>Information processing <LI>Integrity control <LI>Location and mobility <LI>Mechanisms for authentication <LI>QoS <LI>Reconfigurability <LI>Security and encryption <LI>Sensor security </LI></UL> <H3 class=article>PERFORMANCE EVALUATION</H3> <UL> <LI>Modeling and validation of sensor network architectures <LI>Monitoring tools <LI>Performance comparison on capacity, coverage and connectivity <LI>Performance measurement <LI>Simulation and theoretical analysis <LI>Tracing and trace analysis </LI></UL></TD> <TD style=&#8243;VERTICAL&#8211;ALIGN: top; WIDTH: 33%&#8243;> <H3 class=article>SYSTEM</H3> <UL> <LI>Bandwidth management <LI>Data storage and retrieval <LI>Embedded systems <LI>Energy efficiency <LI>Energy efficient hierarchical clustering <LI>Fault tolerance and reliability <LI>Image registration for sensor fusion <LI>Middleware design <LI>Optimal sensor fusion <LI>Power management <LI>Scalability <LI>System debugging and testing <LI>System implementation <LI>Trade&#8211;off analysis <LI>Traffic scheduling </LI></UL> <H3 class=article>HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE</H3> <UL> <LI>Battery technology <LI>Embedded chip design <LI>Operating system <LI>Programming abstraction <LI>Programming and Interfacing <LI>Sensor interfaces and placement <LI>Software tools for chip programming <LI>Topology control <LI>Transceiver and antenna design <LI>Ubiquitous and ambient networks </LI></UL> <H3 class=article>APPLICATIONS</H3> <UL> <LI>Application evaluation and comparison <LI>Application of ad&#8211;hoc and sensor networks <LI>Application requirements <LI>Demos and prototype testing <LI>Potential application areas </LI></UL></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></H3></FONT>