South Africa
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<P>Wireless communications is a primary solution to delivering broadband services to rural communities&#046; The theme of this symposium is on both new, innovative technical research as well as on the delivery of practical technical solutions in often harsh environments&#046; We are inviting your contribution to one of the technical topics of WCITD 2008 and we welcome you to participate our symposium&#046;</P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> </P> <P><FONT color=#000000>WIRELESS and MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS</FONT></P> <BLOCKQUOTE> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> Applications of wireless communication systems </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> Personal communication systems </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> Broadband communication systems </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> Satellite&#8211;based communication systems </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> Hybrid communication systems (wired and wireless) </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> Wireless Local Loop </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> GPRS for developing countries </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> Appropriate telecommunication technologies for developing countries </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> Ad hoc networks for developing countries </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> Wireless Access technologies: radio, GSM, UMTS, CDMA, WCDMA </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> Mobile services </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> Regulatory issues in wireless spectrum use </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> Challenges in wireless communications </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> Satellite&#8211;based communication systems </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> Cost analysis of wireless communication technology </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> Performance and QoS issues in wireless networks </H5></BLOCKQUOTE> <P><BR>INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY/INFORMATION SYSTEMS </P> <BLOCKQUOTE> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> Information technology applications for government institutions </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> Information system development and applications </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> Internet usage and Internet Service Providers </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> Internet application in Agriculture, environmental protection </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> ICTS and its applications in rural areas </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> E&#8211;government </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> E&#8211;commerce and M&#8211;commerce </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> The impact of IT/IS on economic development </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> Digital Divide </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> Public health information management system </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> Security of Online communities and forums </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> Environment monitoring and navigation systems </H5> <H5><FONT color=#99cc33>•</FONT> Privacy issues </H5></BLOCKQUOTE>