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The 8th IFIP Conference on e&#8211;Business, e&#8211;Services, and e&#8211;Society, I3E 2008, will be held in Tokyo, Japan, in September 24 &#8211; 26, 2008&#046;The I3E 2008 conference is the eighth IFIP conference on e&#8211;Business, e&#8211;Services, and e&#8211;Society sponsored by IFIP WG 6&#046;11 in cooperation with IFIP TC11 and TC8, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), The Japan Association for Social Informatics (JASI), The JapanSociety for Socio&#8211;Information Studies (JSIS), and Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)&#046; It provides a forum for users, engineers, and scientists in academia, industry, and government to present their latest findings in e&#8211;business, e&#8211;services, and e&#8211;society applications and the underlying technology to support those applications&#046; The conference will host keynotes, organized sessions, and panel discussions as well as regular paper sessions comprising research track and industrial and administration track&#046;<BR> <B>Keywords:</B> e&#8211;Business<BR>&#8211; Innovative e&#8211;Business models &#8211; Mobile business<BR>&#8211; Inter&#8211;organizational systems &#8211; Enterprise application integration<BR>&#8211; Business process integration &#8211; e&#8211;Negotiations, auctioning and <BR>&#8211; Business process re&#8211;engineering contracting<BR>&#8211; e&#8211;Marketplaces, e&#8211;Hubs and &#8211; Supply, demand, and value chains<BR> portals &#8211; e&#8211;Commerce content management<BR>&#8211; Digital goods and products &#8211; Dynamic pricing models<BR>&#8211; User behavior modeling &#8211; Trust and security<BR> <BR>e&#8211;Services<BR>&#8211; e&#8211;Service composition &#8211; Virtual organizations and <BR>&#8211; Inter&#8211;organizational services coalitions<BR>&#8211; e&#8211;Collaboration and e&#8211;Services &#8211; Virtual enterprises and virtual <BR>&#8211; Service&#8211;oriented computing markets<BR>&#8211; Web services &#8211; Web 2&#046;0 applications<BR>&#8211; Semantic web services &#8211; Agent&#8211;oriented e&#8211;Services<BR>&#8211; Service workflows &#8211; P2P co&#8211;operation models<BR>&#8211; SaaS &#8211; Ubiquitous, mobile and pervasive <BR>&#8211; Application service management services<BR>&#8211; NGN<BR><BR>e&#8211;Society<BR>&#8211; e&#8211;Government &#8211; Mobile public services<BR> (e&#046;g&#046; G2G, G2B, and G2C) &#8211; Multimedia and multilinguism<BR>&#8211; Digital cities and regions &#8211; Digital culture and digital divide<BR>&#8211; e&#8211;Democracy and e&#8211;Governance &#8211; Privacy and security<BR>&#8211; e&#8211;Inclusion to information &#8211; Legal, societal and cultural<BR> society issues<BR>&#8211; e&#8211;Health and e&#8211;Education &#8211; Public&#8211;private partnerships<BR>&#8211; Public e&#8211;Services for citizens &#8211; International dimension of e&#8211;Gov&#046;<BR> and enterprises &#8211; IT&#8211;Platform for public service<BR>&#8211; One&#8211;stop government &#8211;&#8211; service &#8211; Disaster monitoring and <BR> integration prevention system<BR>