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<P>The Second IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice (IFIP AI 2008) is an integral session in the IFIP World Computer Congress (WCC 2008) program&#046; The conference will follow the same format as the highly successful “IFIP AI 2006” at the IFIP WCC 2006 in Santiago, Chile&#046; Authors of accepted papers will present their work followed by open discussion&#046;</P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> </P> <UL> <LI>Industrial Applications of Artificial Intelligence <LI><FONT face=Arial>Intelligent Decision Support Systems <LI><FONT face=Arial>Integration of AI with other Technologies <LI><FONT face=Arial>Evaluation of AI Systems <LI><FONT face=Arial>AI Languages, Programming Techniques and Tools <LI><FONT face=Arial>Knowledge Acquisition <LI><FONT face=Arial>Expert Knowledge&#8211;based Systems <LI><FONT face=Arial>Fuzzy Logic and Plausible Inference <LI><FONT face=Arial>Neural Networks <LI><FONT face=Arial>Evolutionary Computation and Algorithms <LI><FONT face=Arial>Speech and Natural Language Interfaces <LI><FONT face=Arial>Machine Vision <LI><FONT face=Arial>Intelligent Information Retrieval <LI><FONT face=Arial>Genetic Algorithms <LI><FONT face=Arial>Planning and Scheduling <LI><FONT face=Arial>Bayesian Networks and Stochastic Reasoning <LI><FONT face=Arial>Evolutionary Programming <LI><FONT face=Arial>Learning and Adaptive Systems <LI><FONT face=Arial>Intelligent Agents <LI><FONT face=Arial>Distributed AI Algorithms, Techniques, and Applications <LI><FONT face=Arial>Distributed AI Systems and Architectures <LI><FONT face=Arial>Intelligent Tutoring Systems <LI><FONT face=Arial>Structured and Unstructured Datamining <LI><FONT face=Arial>Case&#8211;Based Reasoning Systems <LI><FONT face=Arial>Hardware and Robotics <LI><FONT face=Arial>Social Impact, Acceptance and Implications of AI <LI><FONT face=Arial>Intelligent Systems Engineering and Design Methodologies <LI><FONT face=Arial>Ontologies and Semantic Web <LI><FONT face=Arial>Knowledge and Information Management <LI><FONT face=Arial>Business Process Management and Enterprise Portals <LI><FONT face=Arial>Organisational Memory Knowledge Systems <LI><FONT face=Arial>Inter&#8211;organisational KM portals <LI><FONT face=Arial>KM, E&#8211;Learning and Enterprise Portals </LI></UL></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT>