<P><SPAN lang=EN–US style=″FONT–FAMILY: Arial″><FONT size=2>Researchers, educators and practitioners are invited to submit papers that advance concepts, methods, techniques, tools, issues, education, and practice related to information systems in organizations. Accepted manuscripts will be presented by the author(s) at the TC8, information systems, conference held as part of the World Computer Congress (WCC) 2008 in Milan, Italy. </FONT></SPAN></P> <P><B>Keywords:</B></P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal style=″MARGIN–TOP: 6px; MARGIN–BOTTOM: 6px″ align=left><SPAN lang=EN–US style=″FONT–FAMILY: Arial″><FONT size=2>Professionalizing the Information Systems profession</FONT></SPAN></P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal style=″MARGIN–TOP: 6px; MARGIN–BOTTOM: 6px; TEXT–ALIGN: left″><SPAN lang=EN–US style=″FONT–FAMILY: Arial″><FONT size=2>The design and use of information systems</FONT></SPAN></P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal style=″MARGIN–TOP: 6px; MARGIN–BOTTOM: 6px″ align=left><SPAN lang=EN–US style=″FONT–FAMILY: Arial″><FONT size=2>The generation and dissemination of descriptive and normative knowledge about the development and use of information technologies in organizations</FONT></SPAN></P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal style=″MARGIN–TOP: 6px; MARGIN–BOTTOM: 6px″ align=left><SPAN lang=EN–US style=″FONT–FAMILY: Arial″><FONT size=2>Improving ways of synthesizing and applying relevant work from resource disciplines to practical implementations of systems that enhance decision support capability</FONT></SPAN></P> <LI> <P style=″MARGIN–TOP: 6px; MARGIN–BOTTOM: 6px″><SPAN lang=EN–US style=″FONT–FAMILY: Arial″><FONT size=2>E–Business and E–Government Information Systems: Multi–disciplinary research and practice</FONT></SPAN> </P> <LI> <P style=″MARGIN–TOP: 6px; MARGIN–BOTTOM: 6px″><FONT face=Arial size=2>Engaging semantic technologies to facilitate citizen engagement in democratic deliberation</FONT> </P> <LI> <P style=″MARGIN–TOP: 6px; MARGIN–BOTTOM: 6px″><FONT face=Arial size=2>Visualization of complex argument and knowledge structures in citizen online discussions</FONT> </P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal style=″MARGIN–TOP: 6px; MARGIN–BOTTOM: 6px″ align=left><SPAN lang=EN–US style=″FONT–FAMILY: Arial″><FONT size=2>Improving the quality of information systems in public administration at international, national, regional and local levels</FONT></SPAN></P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal style=″MARGIN–TOP: 6px; MARGIN–BOTTOM: 6px″ align=left><SPAN lang=EN–US style=″FONT–FAMILY: Arial″><FONT size=2>The transfer and diffusion of information technology</FONT></SPAN></P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal style=″MARGIN–TOP: 6px; MARGIN–BOTTOM: 6px″ align=left><SPAN lang=EN–US style=″FONT–FAMILY: Arial″><FONT size=2>Information technologies such as smart cards, and their interaction with society, economics, public services and organizations</FONT></SPAN></P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal style=″MARGIN–TOP: 6px; MARGIN–BOTTOM: 6px″ align=left><SPAN lang=EN–US style=″FONT–FAMILY: Arial″><FONT size=2>Concepts, methods and techniques related to enterprise information systems.</FONT></SPAN></P></LI>
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