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<P>Over the past decade, the Open Source Software (OSS) phenomenon has had a global impact on the way organisations and individuals create, distribute, acquire and use software and software&#8211;based services&#046; OSS has challenged the conventional wisdom of the software engineering and software business communities, has been instrumental for educators and researchers, and has become an important aspect of e&#8211;government and information society initiatives&#046; OSS is a complex phenomenon and requires a interdisciplinary understanding of its engineering, technical, economic, legal and socio&#8211;cultural dynamics&#046; </P> <P>The goal of OSS 2008 is to provide an international forum where a diverse community of professionals from academia, industry and public administration can come together to share research findings and practical experiences&#046; The conference is also meant to provide information and education to practitioners, identify directions for further research, and to be an ongoing platform for technology transfer </P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> </P> <DIV class=leftTopics> <UL> <LI>OSS Historical Foundations and Emerging Trends <LI>Public and Private Sector Adoption of OSS Solutions <LI>OSS, Open Science and &#8243;Open Knowledge&#8243; <LI>OSS, Health Services Management and E&#8211;Health <LI>Knowledge Management, e&#8211;Learning and OSS <LI>OSS Education and Training <LI>Socio&#8211;cultural Dynamics of OSS <LI>OSS and Social Networks <LI>OSS Usability, Scalability, Maintainability and other quality issues <LI>Tools and infrastructures for OSS Development </LI></UL></DIV> <DIV class=rightTopics> <UL> <LI>Architectures and patterns for OSS Development <LI>Techniques and processes for OSS Development <LI>OSS and Agile Development <LI>OSS and Distributed Development <LI>Documentation of OSS projects <LI>Licensing, IPR and other legal issues in OSS <LI>Free software and GPLv3 <LI>OSS and Innovation <LI>OSS and e&#8211;Government <LI>OSS Business models and strategies <LI>Cost, value and economic models of OSS <LI>Empirical analysis of OSS including surveys, field studies, case studies, experiments and experience reports </LI></UL></DIV>