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<SPAN style=&#8243;FONT&#8211;SIZE: 11px; LINE&#8211;HEIGHT: 16px; FONT&#8211;FAMILY: &#8242;Verdana&#8242;, &#8242;sans&#8211;serif&#8242;&#8243;> <P>DSN is the premier international conference that directly addresses this requirement, providing a forum for presenting the very best research results, solutions to problems, and insight into emergent new challenges&#046; In 2008, the DSN conference will once again incorporate the Dependable Computing and Communications Symposium (DCCS) and the Performance and Dependability Symposium (PDS), together with workshops, tutorials, a student forum, fast abstracts, and demonstrations of tools and technologies&#046;</P> <P>The conference venue is the Hilton Hotel in beautiful Anchorage Alaska&#046; Beyond the world&#8211;class technical program, we plan an excursion to sample some of the amazing Alaskan wilderness&#046; Our conference is being held in the best time of year to visit, and we have secured a large block of rooms in one of the city&#8242;s best hotels at an excellent discount&#046; Because this is peak season, we encourage you to make your travel plans as soon as possible!</P> <P></SPAN> <B>Keywords:</B> Architectures for Dependable, Secure and Resilient Computer Systems; Dependability Benchmarking, Modeling and Prediction; Dependability of High&#8211;Speed Networks and Protocols; Dependability in VLSI; E&#8211;Commerce Dependability; Fault&#8211;Tolerance in Transaction Processing Systems, Distributed Systems, Embedded and Real&#8211;Time Systems, Mobile Systems and Multimedia Systems; Internet Dependability and Quality of Service; Adaptable, Survivable and Intrusion&#8211;Tolerant Systems; Safety&#8211;Critical Systems and Critical Infrastructures; Software Testing, Validation and Verification; Software Reliability; Performance and Dependability Assessment by means of Measurement, Analysis and Simulation – Techniques, Tools and Results&#046;</P> <DIV class=&#8243;paragraph Free_Form&#8243; style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;TOP: 0px; MARGIN&#8211;BOTTOM: 0px; PADDING&#8211;BOTTOM: 0pt; LINE&#8211;HEIGHT: 16px; TEXT&#8211;ALIGN: justify&#8243;><SPAN style=&#8243;FONT&#8211;SIZE: 13px; LINE&#8211;HEIGHT: 15px; FONT&#8211;FAMILY: &#8242;ArialMT&#8242;, &#8242;Arial&#8242;, &#8242;sans&#8211;serif&#8242;&#8243;><SPAN class=tinyText> </SPAN></SPAN><SPAN style=&#8243;FONT&#8211;SIZE: 13px; LINE&#8211;HEIGHT: 15px; FONT&#8211;FAMILY: &#8242;ArialMT&#8242;, &#8242;Arial&#8242;, &#8242;sans&#8211;serif&#8242;&#8243;></SPAN></DIV>