<P style=″MARGIN–BOTTOM: 8.35pt; TEXT–ALIGN: justify″><FONT face=Verdana size=3><SPAN lang=EN–US style=″FONT–SIZE: 11pt; FONT–FAMILY: Verdana″>Distributed sensor systems have become a highly active research area due to their potential for providing diverse new capabilities. Such systems allow intelligent dense monitoring of physical environments, which makes them immensely useful for data collection and analysis. The focus of the conference is on distributed computing issues in large–scale networked sensor systems (including algorithms, applications, and systematic design techniques and tools), but networking–related contributions that support high level abstractions are also welcome.</SPAN></FONT></P> <P style=″MARGIN–BOTTOM: 8.35pt; TEXT–ALIGN: justify″><B>Keywords:</B></P> <LI>Computation and programming models <LI>Energy models, minimization, awareness <LI>Distributed algorithms for collaborative information processing <LI>Theoretical performance analysis: complexity, correctness, scalability <LI>Abstractions for modular design <LI>Languages, operating systems <LI>Task allocation, reprogramming and reconfiguration <LI>Dynamic resource management <LI>Scalable, heterogeneous architectures (node and system–level) <LI>Middleware interfaces, communication and processing primitives <LI>Design, simulation and optimization tools for deployment and operation <LI>Design automation and application synthesis techniques <LI>Case studies: lessons from real world deployments </LI>
Santorini Island
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