<P>It is unquestionable that technology is a useful tool to enhance the learning process and during the last ICALT conferences significant advances have been presented in this sense. Besides the usual topics of the conference, this edition of the conference aims to explore the role of learning technologies to step forward in the transformation from the information society to a knowledge society where everybody (independently of race, sex, abilities, capabilities, ...) can be benefit from technologies to enhance her learning process. This open a world of opportunities for analysing the use of technology in inclusive learning environments that take into account the characteristics and expectations of different kinds of users and different kinds of learning experiences, whether formal or informal, individual or cooperative, life–long or short term.. </P><B>Keywords:</B> <LI>Inclusive learning <LI>Formal and informal learning <LI>HCI for educational systems <LI>Transforming learning through technologies <LI>New Generations of educational technologies <LI>Web 2.0 and social computing for learning<BR> <LI>Educational technologies for new generations <LI>Real–time assessment of learning and performance <LI>Mobile computing for learning and instruction <LI>Personalized educational systems <LI>Interdisciplinary programs for educational technologists <LI>CSCL technologies <LI>Content authoring technologies <LI>e–Pedagogy and Instructional Design <LI>Knowledge Management Technologies in Education <LI>Organizational Management of e–Learning in Universities <LI>e– testing and new test theories</LI>
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