Washington D.C
United States
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<P align=justify><FONT face=Arial>The 10th IEEE Conference on E&#8211;Commerce Technology (CEC&#8242; 08) and the 5th IEEE Conference on Enterprise Computing, E&#8211;Commerce and E&#8211;Services (EEE &#8242; 08) are the flagship annual conferences of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on E&#8211;Commerce&#046; In 2008, we will hold both conferences together as a joint event, providing a platform for researchers and practitioners interested in the theory and practice of E&#8211;Commerce and Enterprise Computing&#046; The joint conference will focus on new technologies and methods that enable business processes to smoothly extend in a cross&#8211;enterprise environment, including solutions to facilitate business coalition in a flexible and dynamic manner over coming Next Generation Internet which provides ubiquitous, multimedia, and secure communication services&#046; The program of CEC&#8242; 08/EEE&#8242; 08 will consist of invited talks, paper presentations, and panel discussions&#046; We invite submissions of high quality papers describing fully developed results or on&#8211;going work&#046; </FONT></P><B>Keywords:</B> <FONT face=Arial size=2> <P>&#61550; Commerce and trading technologies track:<BR>&#61548; Negotiation and purchasing technology<BR>Coordination/optimization in supply chain, inventory management, auctions and other<BR>forms of negotiation, pricing, contracting, EDI<BR>&#61548; Marketing and advertising technology<BR>SFA, CRM, recommendation systems, context aware services, user behavior modeling<BR>&#61548; Payment and privacy enhancing technology<BR>Payment protocols, identity management, privacy protection, mobile devices<BR>&#61548; Metering and measurement technology<BR>Metering and measurement of services, billing, revenue sharing, compliance, reliability<BR>and trust&#046;<BR>&#61550; Enterprise computing and engineering track:<BR>&#61548; Business process management and enterprise grid computing<BR>Virtualization and enterprise grid infrastructures, provisioning and management of<BR>e&#8211;services, performance modeling and QoS analysis<BR>&#61548; Business intelligence and real&#8211;time business performance monitoring<BR>Data mining, data warehousing, Real&#8211;time data analysis (RFID / sensor data, etc&#046;), risk<BR>and revenue management<BR>&#61548; Collaborative engineering and knowledge management<BR>CSCW, workflow, information retrieval, product data management, project<BR>management, semantic Web, ontology<BR>&#61548; Security and trust management<BR>Network security, web&#8211;centric security and trust, IPR/DRM<BR>&#61548; e&#8211;applications and service application architecture<BR>e&#8211;Learning, e&#8211;Government, e&#8211;Banking, SOA, Web 2&#046;0, design experience </P></FONT>