Los Angeles
United States
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<P>PBG was established do develop and leverage the newly created field of point based graphics and to establish a community of its own&#046; With the fifth symposium of this kind in 2008 and the broad spectrum of scientific publications on the subject, we believe that our initial mission is accomplished&#046; At the same time we observe a natural evolution and confluence of point graphics and volume graphics into the broader field of &#8243;Sample Based Graphics&#8243;&#046; In order to address this development VG08 and PBG08 will organize a joint track on the topic to evaluate its suitability as new direction into which both symposia might evolve in the years to come&#046; </P> <P> <B>Keywords:</B> </P> <LI>Data acquisition and surface reconstruction <LI>Geometric modeling using point primitives <LI>Sampling, approximation, and interpolation <LI>Transmission and compression of point&#8211;sampled geometry <LI>Rendering algorithms for point primitives <LI>Geometry processing of point models <LI>Topological properties of point clouds <LI>Hardware architectures for point primitives <LI>Animation and morphing of point&#8211;sampled geometry <LI>Hybrid representations and algorithms <LI>Use of point&#8211;based methods in real&#8211;world applications</LI>