Atlanta, GA
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<P><FONT size=4><FONT face=Garamond>The Fifth IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad&#8211;hoc and Sensor Systems (IEEE MASS 08) is to be held in Atlanta, Georgia between September 29 and October 2, 2008&#046; Wireless ad&#8211;hoc communication has applications in a variety of environments, such as conferences, hospitals, battlefields and disaster&#8211;recovery/rescue operations, and is also being actively investigated as an alternative paradigm for Internet connectivity in both urban and rural areas&#046; Wireless sensor and actuator networks are also being deployed for enhancing industrial control processes and supply&#8211;chains, and for various forms of environmental monitoring&#046; The IEEE MASS 2008 aims at addressing advances in research on multi&#8211;hop ad&#8211;hoc and sensor networks, covering topics ranging from technology issues to applications and test&#8211;bed development&#046; Please keep checking this web&#8211;space for more information and regular updates about MASS 08&#046;</FONT><SPAN style=&#8243;FONT&#8211;FAMILY: Arial Unicode MS&#8243;><FONT color=#005353> </FONT></SPAN></FONT></P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> </P> <UL style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;TOP: 0in; MARGIN&#8211;BOTTOM: 0in&#8243;> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Physical layer impact on higher layers in ad&#8211;hoc networks and WSNs </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Directional / smart antennas </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Multi&#8211;channel, multi&#8211;radio and MIMO technologies </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>MAC protocols (802&#046;11, 802&#046;15&#046;4, UWB) </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Wireless mesh networks and cognitive networks </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>P2P, overlay, and content distribution architectures for wireless ad hoc networks </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Delay tolerant networks and opportunistic networking </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Vehicular networks and protocols </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Mobile/robotic sensor networks </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Power&#8211;aware architectures, algorithms and protocols design </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Clustering, topology control, coverage and connectivity issues </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Routing protocols (unicast, multicast, broadcast, geocast) </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Data transport, management and information scheduling </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Data gathering, fusion, and dissemination in WSNs </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Localization and synchronization in WSNs </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Cooperative sensing in WSNs </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Sensor networks and pervasive infrastructures </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Capacity planning and admission control in ad&#8211;hoc networks </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Handoff / mobility management and seamless internetworking </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal><SPAN style=&#8243;FONT&#8211;SIZE: 12pt; FONT&#8211;FAMILY: Times New Roman&#8243;>Resource management and wireless QoS Provisioning</SPAN> </P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal>Cross layer design and optimization </P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal>Incentive&#8211;based and game&#8211;theoretic approaches in ad&#8211;hoc networks </P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal><SPAN style=&#8243;FONT&#8211;SIZE: 12pt; FONT&#8211;FAMILY: Times New Roman&#8243;>Reliability, resiliency and fault tolerance techniques</SPAN> </P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal>Security, privacy, and trust issues </P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal>Management and monitoring of ad&#8211;hoc and sensor networks </P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal>Operating systems and middleware support </P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal>Novel applications and architectures for WSNs </P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal>Modeling, analysis and performance evaluation </P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal>Measurements and experience from experimental systems and test&#8211;beds </P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal></P></LI></UL>