<P><FONT size=4><FONT face=Garamond>The Fifth IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad–hoc and Sensor Systems (IEEE MASS 08) is to be held in Atlanta, Georgia between September 29 and October 2, 2008. Wireless ad–hoc communication has applications in a variety of environments, such as conferences, hospitals, battlefields and disaster–recovery/rescue operations, and is also being actively investigated as an alternative paradigm for Internet connectivity in both urban and rural areas. Wireless sensor and actuator networks are also being deployed for enhancing industrial control processes and supply–chains, and for various forms of environmental monitoring. The IEEE MASS 2008 aims at addressing advances in research on multi–hop ad–hoc and sensor networks, covering topics ranging from technology issues to applications and test–bed development. Please keep checking this web–space for more information and regular updates about MASS 08.</FONT><SPAN style=″FONT–FAMILY: Arial Unicode MS″><FONT color=#005353> </FONT></SPAN></FONT></P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> </P> <UL style=″MARGIN–TOP: 0in; MARGIN–BOTTOM: 0in″> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Physical layer impact on higher layers in ad–hoc networks and WSNs </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Directional / smart antennas </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Multi–channel, multi–radio and MIMO technologies </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>MAC protocols (802.11, 802.15.4, UWB) </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Wireless mesh networks and cognitive networks </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>P2P, overlay, and content distribution architectures for wireless ad hoc networks </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Delay tolerant networks and opportunistic networking </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Vehicular networks and protocols </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Mobile/robotic sensor networks </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Power–aware architectures, algorithms and protocols design </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Clustering, topology control, coverage and connectivity issues </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Routing protocols (unicast, multicast, broadcast, geocast) </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Data transport, management and information scheduling </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Data gathering, fusion, and dissemination in WSNs </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Localization and synchronization in WSNs </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Cooperative sensing in WSNs </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Sensor networks and pervasive infrastructures </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Capacity planning and admission control in ad–hoc networks </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal>Handoff / mobility management and seamless internetworking </P> <LI class=MsoNormal> <P class=MsoNormal><SPAN style=″FONT–SIZE: 12pt; FONT–FAMILY: Times New Roman″>Resource management and wireless QoS Provisioning</SPAN> </P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal>Cross layer design and optimization </P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal>Incentive–based and game–theoretic approaches in ad–hoc networks </P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal><SPAN style=″FONT–SIZE: 12pt; FONT–FAMILY: Times New Roman″>Reliability, resiliency and fault tolerance techniques</SPAN> </P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal>Security, privacy, and trust issues </P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal>Management and monitoring of ad–hoc and sensor networks </P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal>Operating systems and middleware support </P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal>Novel applications and architectures for WSNs </P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal>Modeling, analysis and performance evaluation </P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal>Measurements and experience from experimental systems and test–beds </P> <LI> <P class=MsoNormal></P></LI></UL>
Atlanta, GA
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