Orlando, FL
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<P>In the ever&#8211;evolving fields of computational biology and bioinformatics, it is essential that researchers and industry stay on top of changes in applications and techniques in mathematical, statistical and computational science&#046; Current issues related to this topic involve advancements in bioinformatics including microarray data analysis, functional genomics, and computational proteomics&#046;</P> <P>The IASTED International Symposium on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (CBB 2008) will be a multidisciplinary meeting for researchers from academia and industry to gather, exchange ideas, and discuss new directions in these areas&#046; All papers submitted to this conference will be double&#8211;blind reviewed by at least two reviewers&#046; Acceptance will be based primarily on originality and contribution&#046;</P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> <FONT size=2></P> <H3 class=article> <TABLE class=scope style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;TOP: 0em&#8243; cellSpacing=4 cellPadding=0 summary=&#8243;List of Topics&#8243;> <TBODY> <TR> <TD> <H3 class=article>Biology</H3></TD></TR> <TR> <TD style=&#8243;PADDING&#8211;RIGHT: 0em; WIDTH: 33%&#8243; vAlign=top> <UL class=scopelist style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;TOP: 0&#046;4em&#8243;> <LI>Microarray data analysis </LI> <LI>Micro RNA and RNAi </LI> <LI>Pathways and networks </LI> <LI>Biomedical applications: </LI> <LI>Therapeutic applications of computational biology </LI> <LI>Computational drug discovery </LI> <LI>Computational proteomics </LI> <LI>Microbial community analysis </LI> <LI>Synthetic biological systems </LI> <LI>Evolution and phylogenetics </LI> <LI>Sequence motifs, alignments and families </LI> <LI>Gene structure, regulation and modeling: </LI> <LI>Functional genomics </LI> <LI>Promoter analysis and discovery, recognition of regulatory elements </LI> <LI>Comparative genomics and annotation </LI> <LI>Genetic variation (SNPs and haplotyping, etc&#046;) </LI> <LI>Development control </LI> <LI>Measuring cellular metabolism and cellular signaling </LI> <LI>Computational neurobiology </LI> <LI>Computational ecology </LI> <LI>Mathematical and quantitative models of cellular and multicellular systems </LI></UL></TD> <TD style=&#8243;PADDING&#8211;RIGHT: 1em; WIDTH: 33%&#8243; vAlign=top> <UL class=scopelist style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;TOP: 0&#046;4em&#8243;></UL></TD></TR> <TR> <TD> <H3 class=article>Computation</H3></TD></TR> <TR> <TD style=&#8243;PADDING&#8211;RIGHT: 1em; WIDTH: 33%&#8243; vAlign=top> <UL class=scopelist style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;TOP: 0&#046;4em&#8243;> <LI>Biological data mining </LI> <LI>Biomedical literature text mining </LI> <LI>Data visualization </LI> <LI>High performance biocomputing </LI> <LI>Parallel and distributed computation </LI> <LI>Machine learning </LI> <LI>Pattern recognition </LI> <LI>Knowledge representation </LI> <LI>Databases </LI> <LI>Combinatorics </LI> <LI>Stochastic modeling </LI> <LI>String and graph algorithms </LI> <LI>Linguistic methods </LI> <LI>Robotics </LI> <LI>Constraint satisfaction </LI> <LI>Information theory and statistical analysis </LI> <LI>Hidden Markov model </LI> <LI>Ontologies and semantic web systems for biology </LI> <LI>Clinical informatics </LI> <LI>Neural networks </LI> <LI>Time series analysis </LI> <LI>Sequencing and arrangement algorithms </LI> <LI>SWARM </LI></UL></TD> <TD style=&#8243;PADDING&#8211;RIGHT: 1em; WIDTH: 33%&#8243; vAlign=top> <UL class=scopelist style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;TOP: 0&#046;4em&#8243;></UL></TD></TR> <TR> <TD> <H3 class=article>Interdisciplinary Issues</H3></TD></TR> <TR> <TD style=&#8243;PADDING&#8211;RIGHT: 1em; WIDTH: 33%&#8243; vAlign=top> <UL class=scopelist style=&#8243;MARGIN&#8211;TOP: 0&#046;4em&#8243;> <LI>Bioinformatics project management (Data management methods and systems) </LI> <LI>International cooperation in bioinformatics research </LI> <LI>Philosophy, ethics of bioinformatics </LI> <LI>Future trends of bioinformatics </LI></UL></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></H3></FONT>