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<SPAN style=&#8243;FONT&#8211;SIZE: 10pt&#8243;><SPAN style=&#8243;FONT&#8211;SIZE: 12pt&#8243;><SPAN style=&#8243;mso&#8211;spacerun: yes&#8243;> <P align=justify><SPAN class=homeBigger><FONT face=Georgia size=3>ICSR is the premier international conference in the field of software reuse&#046; The main goal of ICSR is to present the advances and improvements within the software reuse domain, as well as to promote interaction between researchers and practitioners&#046;</FONT></SPAN></P> <P align=justify><FONT face=Georgia><SPAN class=homeBigger><FONT size=3>The 10th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR </FONT></SPAN></FONT><SPAN class=homeBigger><FONT face=Georgia size=3>2008) will be held on May 25&#8211;29, 2008 in Beijing, China&#046; We invite Research Papers, Workshop Proposals, Tutorial Proposals, Symposium Descriptions and Tool Demonstrations to be presen</FONT></SPAN><FONT face=Georgia><SPAN class=homeBigger><FONT size=3>ted and discussed in the conference&#046;</FONT></SPAN></FONT></P></SPAN></SPAN> <P></SPAN> <B>Keywords:</B></P> <P>* High Confidence Software Reuse Methods<BR> * Confidence Ensuring and Evaluating Methods<BR> * Best Practice of Software Reuse in Very Large Systems<BR> * Architecture Based Software Reuse<BR> * Reuse in Service&#8211;oriented Environment<BR> * Reuse of Service&#8211;oriented/SOA Systems<BR> * Reliability and security of OTS components and legal issues<BR> * Documentation of OTS component<BR> * Processes to identify and select OTS components<BR> * Software integration and evolution problems<BR> * Interaction with the developer community, or with the vendor<BR> * Software variability management<BR> * Aspect&#8211;oriented software reuse<BR> * Software generators and domain&#8211;specific languages<BR> * Software product lines, software product families, and domain engineering<BR> * Component&#8211;based software engineering<BR> * Application of MDD<BR> * Asset search and retrieval techniques<BR> * Evolution of component&#8211;based software systems<BR> * Lightweight approaches to software reuse<BR> * Managing the transition towards a reuse organization<BR> * Legal, managerial, and economic issues of software development with reuse<BR> * Benefit and risk analysis of reuse investments<BR> * Reuse in the e&#8211;commerce context: how to address fast&#8211;evolving markets<BR> * Generation of non&#8211;code artifacts<BR> * Testing of components and generators<BR> * Quality aspects of reuse, e&#046;g&#046; security and reliability<BR> * Success and failure stories of reuse approaches from industrial context<BR><BR></P>