<SPAN style=″FONT–SIZE: 11px; LINE–HEIGHT: 16px; FONT–FAMILY: ′Verdana′, ′sans–serif′″><FONT size=2> <P><FONT face=Arial size=2>TOOLS EUROPE 2008 will focus on the combination of technologies that have emerged through objects and object technology becoming mainstream. TOOLS EUROPE 2008 combines an emphasis on quality with a strong practical focus.</FONT></FONT></SPAN></P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> </P> <DIV class=″paragraph Free_Form″ style=″MARGIN–TOP: 0px; MARGIN–BOTTOM: 0px; PADDING–BOTTOM: 0pt; LINE–HEIGHT: 16px; TEXT–ALIGN: justify″><SPAN style=″FONT–SIZE: 13px; LINE–HEIGHT: 15px; FONT–FAMILY: ′ArialMT′, ′Arial′, ′sans–serif′″><SPAN class=tinyText><FONT size=2> <LI>Object technology, including object–oriented programming techniques, languages, and tools <LI>Testing of object–oriented systems <LI>Patterns, pattern languages, tool support for patterns <LI>Distributed and concurrent object systems <LI>Real–time object–oriented programming and design <LI>Experience reports, including efforts at standardisation and applications to safety– and security–related software <LI>Component–based programming, modelling, tools <LI>Aspects and aspect–oriented programming and modelling <LI>Frameworks for component–based development <LI>Trusted and reliable components <LI>Model–driven development and Model–Driven Architecture <LI>Domain specific languages and language design <LI>Tools and frameworks for supporting model–driven development</LI></FONT></DIV></SPAN></SPAN><SPAN style=″FONT–SIZE: 13px; LINE–HEIGHT: 15px; FONT–FAMILY: ′ArialMT′, ′Arial′, ′sans–serif′″></SPAN>
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