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<P>For 27 years, the symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems has been a traditional forum for researchers and practitioners who are interested in distributed systems design and development, particularly with properties such as reliability, availability, safety, security, and real time&#046;<BR><BR>We welcome original research papers as well as papers that deal with design, development and experimental results of operational systems&#046; We are also soliciting papers for an experience track that present on&#8211;going industrial projects, prototype systems and exploratory or emerging applications, etc&#046;</P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> </P> <P>* Autonomic, pervasive, ubiquitous and diffuse computing<BR>* High performance and Grid systems<BR>* Web Services<BR>* High&#8211;confidence systems<BR>* Critical infrastructures<BR>* Distributed embedded systems<BR>* Parallel and distributed operating systems<BR>* Distributed objects and middleware systems<BR>* Sensor networks and wireless ad&#8211;hoc networks<BR>* Event&#8211;based and Peer&#8211;to&#8211;Peer infrastructures<BR>* Distributed databases and transaction processing<BR>* Distributed multimedia systems<BR>* Electronic commerce and enabling technologies<BR>* Formal methods and foundations for dependable distributed computing<BR>* Analytical or experimental evaluations of dependable distributed systems<BR>* Fault&#8211;tolerant distributed algorithms<BR>* Internet&#8211;based systems and applications<BR>* QoS control and assessment</P>