<DIV style=″TEXT–ALIGN: justify″><FONT face=Verdana> <P><FONT size=2>MPSoC is a pluridisciplinary forum bringing together key R&D actors from the different fields required to design heterogeneous multiprocessor SoC (MPSoC). The full week format and the quality of both attendees and speakers make of MPSOC a unique occasion for executives and senior managers to explore new ideas and refine strategic thinking. The program brings together key actors from IP, fabless, semiconductor, system houses and design industry to build a vision of the next step in integrated system design. More than 50 world class R&D speakers will discuss <STRONG>fundamental and strategic issues to master multi–processor SoC design</STRONG>. MPSoC′08 will be held</FONT> </P></FONT></DIV><!–– <table style=″text–align: left; margin–left: auto; margin–right: auto;″ border=″0″> <tbody> <tr><td colspan=″9″><h3>ICCS 2006 is endorsed by</h3></td></tr> <tr> <td colspan=″3″><a href=″http://www.siam.org″> <img style=″width: 156px; border: 0px solid;″ alt=″″ src=″img/siam.gif″></a></td> <td colspan=″3″><a href=″http://www.rcuk.ac.uk/escience/″> <img style=″width: 158px; border: 0px solid;″ alt=″″ src=″img/e–ScieneLtBlueSml.jpg″></a></td> <td colspan=″3″><a href=″http://www.research.rutgers.edu/~imacs/″> <img style=″width: 90px; border: 0px solid;″ alt=″″ src=″img/IMACSLOGO.jpg″></a></td> </tr> <tr><td colspan=″9″><h3>ICCS 2006 is organised by</h3></td></tr> <tr> <tr> <td colspan=″3″><a href=″http://www.iccs2006.reading.ac.uk/″> <img alt=″″ src=″img/reading–logo.gif″ style=″width: 240px; height: 40px; border: 0px solid;″></a></td> <td colspan=″3″><a href=″http://www.english.uva.nl″> <img style=″width: 168px; height: 66px; border: 0px solid;″ alt=″″ src=″img/uvalo2.gif″></a></td> <td colspan=″3″><a href=″http://www.utk.edu/″> <img style=″width: 125px; height: 36px; border: 0px solid;″ alt=″″ src=″img/logo–ut.gif″></a></td></tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=″3″ rowspan=″1″ style=″vertical–align: top;″> <hr> <table border=″0″ cellpadding=″2″ cellspacing=″2″ width=″720″> <tbody> <tr> <td style=″vertical–align: top;″ class=″foot″>Web: Milena Zajac, Zofia Mosurska, Piotr Wendykier, Dick van Albada (dick at science.uva.nl) and Mike Lankamp<br></td> <td style=″vertical–align: top; text–align: right;″ class=″foot″>Last updated: August 23, 2005</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ––><STRONG>Keywords: </STRONG> <LI><FONT size=2><STRONG>MPSoC Architecture</STRONG> </FONT> <UL type=disc> <LI><FONT size=2>On–chip interconnect for heterogeneous and highly parallel MPSoC </FONT> <LI><FONT size=2>Memory architecture </FONT> <LI><FONT size=2>Nanotechnologies </FONT> <LI><FONT size=2>Networking </FONT></LI></UL> <LI><FONT size=2><STRONG>MPSoC Applications Platforms</STRONG> </FONT> <UL type=disc> <LI><FONT size=2>Killer applications for MPSoC </FONT> <LI><FONT size=2>MPSoC platforms </FONT> <LI><FONT size=2>HW vs. SW reconfiguration </FONT> <LI><FONT size=2>Mixed signal </FONT></LI></UL> <LI><FONT size=2><STRONG>MPSoC Programming</STRONG> </FONT> <UL type=disc> <LI><FONT size=2>Embedded RTOS </FONT> <LI><FONT size=2>Flexible CPU </FONT> <LI><FONT size=2>Parallel programming models </FONT></LI></UL> <LI><FONT size=2><STRONG>MPSoC Design Methodologies</STRONG> </FONT> <UL type=disc> <LI><FONT size=2>Concurrent design </FONT> <LI><FONT size=2>HW–SW debug & verification </FONT> <LI><FONT size=2>Testing </FONT> <LI><FONT size=2>Case studies </FONT> <LI><FONT size=2>HW/SW interfaces codesign. <BR></FONT></LI></UL></LI>
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