Orlando, FL
United States
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<P>As information networks expand around the world, reach more people, and find new uses, novel ways of interacting with multimedia information are being created&#046; Sound, video, text, and other forms of data are being gathered, processed, and combined using innovative techniques that draw on the fields of parallel and distributed computing to open up new ways interacting with media&#046;</P> <P>The IASTED International Symposium on Distributed and Intelligent Multimedia Systems (DIMS 2008) will be a multidisciplinary meeting for researchers from academia and industry to gather, exchange ideas, and discuss new directions in multimedia systems&#046; All papers submitted to this conference will be double&#8211;blind reviewed by at least two reviewers&#046; Acceptance will be based primarily on originality and contribution&#046;</P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> <TABLE class=scope cellSpacing=4 cellPadding=0 summary=&#8243;List of Topics&#8243;> <TBODY> <TR> <TD style=&#8243;VERTICAL&#8211;ALIGN: top; WIDTH: 33%&#8243;> <UL> <LI>Algorithms <LI>Applications <LI>Architectures <LI>Cluster Computing <LI>Coding and Compression <LI>Collaborative Learning <LI>Collaborative Systems and Applications <LI>Content&#8211;based Multimedia Retrieval <LI>Data Management <LI>Data Mining <LI>Data Modelling <LI>Data Warehousing <LI>Database Management Systems <LI>Database Ontology <LI>Databases and the Web <LI>Digital Libraries <LI>Digital Video Broadcasting <LI>Distributed Databases <LI>Distributed Knowledge&#8211;based Systems <LI>Distributed Multimedia Systems <LI>Distributed Real&#8211;Time Systems <LI>Expert Systems <LI>Fault Tolerance <LI>Grid Computing <LI>Heterogeneous Computing <LI>High Performance Computing <LI>Information Retrieval <LI>Intelligent Databases <LI>Interconnection Networks <LI>Internet Architectures <LI>Internet Computing <LI>Internet Search Technologies <LI>Knowledge&#8211;based Systems <LI>Mobile Computing <LI>Mobile Multimedia </LI></UL></TD> <TD style=&#8243;VERTICAL&#8211;ALIGN: top; WIDTH: 33%&#8243;> <UL> <LI>Modelling and Simulation <LI>Multimedia Broadcasting Systems on the Web <LI>Multimedia Communication Systems <LI>Multimedia Databases <LI>Multimedia Information Systems <LI>Multimedia Networking <LI>Multimedia Performance and Management <LI>Operating System Support for Multimedia <LI>Optimization Techniques <LI>Parallel and Distributed Processing <LI>Parallel Computing Systems <LI>Parallel Processing <LI>Parallel Programming <LI>Performance Evaluation <LI>Privacy <LI>Protection and Security <LI>Protocols <LI>Quality of Service <LI>Queuing Systems <LI>Real&#8211;Time and Embedded Systems <LI>Reliability <LI>Resource Allocation <LI>Resource Management <LI>Reusability <LI>Routing <LI>Scheduling <LI>Software Agents <LI>Transport Protocols <LI>Video Storage Servers <LI>Video&#8211;on&#8211;Demand <LI>Web and Internet Tools <LI>Web Technologies </LI></UL></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>