Rajasthan, Jaipur
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<P>The Microwave &#8211;2008 conference aims to bring together scientists, engineers, technologists and researchers working in academic institutes, research laboratories and centers and industries on a common platform to interact with one another and to provide an opportunity to present their results as well as to exchange information and understanding on recent advancements in the field of Microwave Theory and Applications&#046;</P> <P align=justify><B>Keywords:</B> </P> <P align=justify>Solid States Devices and Circuits Microwave Remote Sensing and Sensors<BR>Low&#8211;Noise Devices and Technique Microwave and Millimeter Wave Systems<BR>High&#8211;Power Devices and Techniques Communication Systems<BR>Monolithic Integrated Circuits High Speed Digital Circuits and SI<BR>Passive Devices and Circuits Biological Effects and Medical Applications <BR>Ferrite and SAW Components Submillimeter Wave Techniques <BR>Superconducting Components and Technology EMI and EMC <BR>Microwave&#8211;Optical Design Photonics and Optics <BR>Computer Aided Design Wireless and RF Components and Systems <BR>Electromagnetic Field Theory Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Devices <BR>Computational Electromagnetics Radar and Broadband Communication Systems<BR>Microwave Antennas MEMS<BR>Smart Antennas, Phased and Active Array PBG and Metamaterials<BR>Scattering and Propagation Dielectric measurements<BR>Microwave Education and Technology Microwave industrial applications<BR></P>