<P><SPAN lang=EN–GB style=″FONT–SIZE: 9pt; FONT–FAMILY: Tahoma″><SPAN lang=EN–US style=″COLOR: black″><FONT face=″Times New Roman″ size=3><SPAN lang=EN–GB style=″FONT–SIZE: 9pt; FONT–FAMILY: Tahoma″><SPAN lang=EN–GB style=″FONT–SIZE: 9pt; FONT–FAMILY: Tahoma″><SPAN lang=EN–US style=″COLOR: black″><FONT face=″Times New Roman″ size=3><SPAN lang=EN–GB style=″FONT–SIZE: 9pt; FONT–FAMILY: Tahoma″><SPAN lang=EN–GB style=″FONT–SIZE: 9pt; FONT–FAMILY: Tahoma″><SPAN lang=EN–US style=″COLOR: black″><FONT face=″Times New Roman″ size=3>The 2008 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems will be held in Bangkok, Thailand. The ISPACS presents every possibility on new information technologies. The ISPACS 2008 will include many regular sessions on the topics listed below and some special sessions on emerging intelligent signal processing and communication system topics. The symposium will be organized into parallel sessions. Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers reporting original work as well as tutorial overviews in all areas of signal processing and communication systems. </FONT></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></FONT></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></FONT></SPAN></SPAN></P> <P><SPAN lang=EN–GB style=″FONT–SIZE: 9pt; FONT–FAMILY: Tahoma″><SPAN lang=EN–US style=″COLOR: black″></SPAN></SPAN><SPAN lang=EN–GB style=″FONT–SIZE: 9pt; FONT–FAMILY: Tahoma″></SPAN><STRONG>Keywords:</STRONG></P> <OL> <LI><B>Communication Systems</B> <OL> <LI>Radio Propagation and Channel Modeling <LI>Communication Theory <LI>Antenna and Propagation <LI>Wideband Communications <LI>Wireless Systems <LI>Intelligent Communication Systems and Network Protocols <LI>Others </LI></OL> <LI><B>Multimedia and Systems</B> <OL> <LI>Speech Processing and Coding <LI>Video Processing and Coding <LI>Video and Multimedia Technology & Communications <LI>Audio/Acoustic Signal Processing <LI>Multimedia Processing for e–Learning <LI>Others </LI></OL> <LI><B>Signal Processing</B> <OL> <LI>Digital Filters and Filter Banks <LI>Wavelets and Multirate Signal Processing <LI>Adaptive, Non–linear and Multidimensional Signal Processing <LI>Fast Computations for Signal Processing, and Communication Systems <LI>Radar, Antennas and Mobile Signal Processing <LI>Intelligent Signal Processing for Communications & Systems <LI>Security Signal Processing <LI>Optical Signal Processing <LI>Noise Control <LI>Others </LI></OL> <LI><B>VLSI</B> <OL> <LI>Analog and Digital Ics for Communications <LI>Low Power Design & VLSI Physical Synthesis <LI>Modeling, Simulation and CAD Tools <LI>VLSI Architecture for Signal Processing <LI>Others </LI></OL> <LI><B>Circuits and Systems</B> <OL> <LI>Analog Circuits, Filters and Data Conversion <LI>Analog and Mixed Signal Processing <LI>Numerical Methods and Circuit Simulation <LI>Circuits and Systems for Communications <LI>Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Processing <LI>Others </LI></OL> <LI><B>Emerging Technologies in Signal Processing and Communications</B> </LI></OL>
Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date