Sao Paulo
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<P>Although parallel programming has been a concern for decades, the new generation of processors has fostered the research in the area&#046; Multicore chips have become a standard, without any clear new solution to program them, besides OpenMP, Posix Threads and MPI&#046; Moreover, the increase in the number of cores that is expected within the chips has already raised the issue of the performance&#046; For instance, the scalability of parallel programs running on chips multicores, with clear bottlenecks such as a unique memory bus, is an issue&#046; The treatment of Non&#8211;Uniform Memory Accesses in the current parallel languages or libraries is an other open point which may turn crucial as the number of cores increases&#046; Finally, Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are also<BR>emerging as a new source of parallel platforms&#046;<BR><BR><B>Keywords:</B><BR><BR> &#8211; Parallel Languages and Libraries&#046;<BR> &#8211; Tools for parallel programming: debuggers, libraries and performance analyzers&#046;<BR> &#8211; Compilers&#046;<BR> &#8211; Scheduling&#046;<BR> &#8211; Influence of the architectural design on the performance of a parallel program&#046;<BR> &#8211; Models for Parallel Programming&#046;<BR> &#8211; Programmation of GPUs&#046;<BR> &#8211; Performance Evaluation&#046;<BR> &#8211; Parallel Applications&#046;<BR></P>