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<P>SM2ACD is organized by the Institute for Microelectronic and Mechatronic Systems gGmbH in cooperation with the Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany&#046; The workshop will be held in Erfurt, Germany, on October 7&#8211;8, 2008&#046; In addition, a pre&#8211;conference program and tutorial sessions will be offered on October 6, 2008&#046;<BR>The first SMACD workshop was organized in 1991 in Bagneux, France&#046; Subsequent workshops were held in Firenze, Italy (1992), Seville, Spain (1994), Leuven, Belgium (1996), Kaiserslautern, Germany (1998), Lisbon, Portugal (2000), Sinaia, Romania (2002), Wroclaw, Poland (2004), and Firenze, Italy (2006)&#046; SMACD had initially been organized as a forum for the exchange of new ideas and advances in the field of symbolic circuit analysis methods and their applications&#046; Since there is a steadily growing interest in a wider range of modeling techniques for analog and mixed&#8211;signal circuit design – not limited to symbolic approaches only –, it was decided to extend the scope of the workshop accordingly&#046; Therefore, SMACD now becomes SM2ACD – the additional M reflects the new orientation towards modeling techniques in general&#046;</P> <P>Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<BR>Recent advances in analog CAD with focus on symbolic and/or numerical analysis and modeling techniques, design tools and methodologies<BR>Symbolic and numerical methods for analog, mixed&#8211;signal, RF, multi&#8211;domain (MEMS, nanoelectronic, optoelectronic, biological, etc&#046;) circuit and systems analysis and design&#046;<BR>Novel circuit design methodologies and design automation enabled by behavioral modeling and/or symbolic techniques (including modeling, simulation, and optimization of timing, reliability, and yield for A/MS circuits)<BR>Linear and nonlinear model reduction and computer&#8211;aided macromodeling<BR>Symbolic methods in electrical/electronic engineering education&#046;</P>