<P>This conference will act as an international forum for researchers and practitioners interested in the advances in and applications of parallel and distributed computing and networks. It will be an opportunity to present and observe the latest research, results, and ideas in these areas. All papers submitted to this conference will be double blind reviewed by at least two reviewers. Acceptance will be based primarily on originality and contribution. The conference chair makes the final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the paper. </P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> <TABLE class=scope cellSpacing=4 cellPadding=0 summary=″List of Topics″> <TBODY> <TR> <TD style=″PADDING–RIGHT: 3em″ vAlign=top> <UL> <LI>Parallel Computing Systems <LI>Supercomputing <LI>Cluster Computing <LI>High Performance Computing <LI>Mobile Computing <LI>Personal Computing <LI>Heterogeneous Computing <LI>Web Technologies <LI>Interconnection Networks <LI>Optical Networks <LI>Broadband Networks <LI>Wireless Networks <LI>Computer Networks <LI>IP and ATM Networks <LI>Architectures <LI>Algorithms <LI>Parallel Programming <LI>Parallel Processing <LI>Distributed Multimedia <LI>Internet Tools <LI>Reusability <LI>Reliability </LI></UL></TD> <TD vAlign=top> <UL> <LI>Protocols <LI>Routing <LI>Planning <LI>Scheduling <LI>Queuing Systems <LI>Resource Allocation <LI>Communications <LI>Modelling and Simulation <LI>Distributed Real–Time Systems <LI>Distributed Databases <LI>Distributed Knowledge–based Systems <LI>Data Mining <LI>Data Warehousing <LI>Operating Systems <LI>Compilers <LI>Fault Tolerance <LI>Performance Evaluation <LI>Optimization <LI>Real–Time and Embedded Systems <LI>Memory and I/O Systems <LI>Applications <LI>Grid Computing </LI></UL></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date