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<P>This conference is an international forum for researchers and practitioners interested in the advances in, and applications of, signal processing and pattern recognition&#046; It is an opportunity to present and observe the latest research, results, and ideas in these areas&#046; All papers submitted to this conference will be double blind reviewed by at least two reviewers&#046; Acceptance will be based primarily on originality and contribution&#046; The conference chair makes the final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the paper&#046;</P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> <TABLE class=scope cellSpacing=4 cellPadding=0 width=&#8243;100%&#8243; summary=&#8243;List of Topics&#8243;> <TBODY> <TR> <TD colSpan=2> <H3 style=&#8243;FONT&#8211;SIZE: 1&#046;1em; MARGIN&#8211;BOTTOM: 0&#046;5em; BORDER&#8211;BOTTOM: #cccccc 1px solid&#8243;>SIGNAL PROCESSING</H3></TD></TR> <TR> <TD vAlign=top><STRONG>Signal Analysis and Processing</STRONG> <UL> <LI>Digital Signal Processing <LI>Multidimensional Signal Processing <LI>Statistical Signal Processing <LI>Nonlinear DSP <LI>Time&#8211;Frequency Signal Analysis <LI>Mobile Signal Processing </LI></UL><STRONG>Detection and Estimation</STRONG> <UL> <LI>Motion Detection <LI>Estimation of Signal Parameters <LI>Segmentation and Representation <LI>Computation <LI>Prediction </LI></UL><STRONG>Audio and Video</STRONG> <UL> <LI>Speech Processing <LI>Audio and Electro Acoustics <LI>Video Technology <LI>HDTV <LI>Multimedia </LI></UL></TD> <TD vAlign=top><STRONG>Filters</STRONG> <UL> <LI>Filter Designs and Structures <LI>Adaptive Filtering <LI>FIR and IIR Filters <LI>Signal Reconstruction Using Filters </LI></UL><STRONG>Algorithms and Techniques</STRONG> <UL> <LI>Discrete Cosine Transform <LI>Hilbert Transform <LI>Fourier Transform <LI>Architecture and Implementation <LI>Neural Networks for Signal Processing <LI>Fuzzy Logic <LI>Wavelets <LI>Chaos </LI></UL></TD></TR> <TR> <TD colSpan=2> <H3 style=&#8243;FONT&#8211;SIZE: 1&#046;1em; MARGIN&#8211;BOTTOM: 0&#046;5em; BORDER&#8211;BOTTOM: #cccccc 1px solid&#8243;>PATTERN RECOGNITION</H3></TD></TR> <TR> <TD vAlign=top><STRONG>Image Analysis</STRONG> <UL> <LI>Image Processing <LI>Image Sequence Processing <LI>Segmentation and Representation <LI>Pattern Recognition <LI>Image Synthesis <LI>Image Database Indexing <LI>Medical Image Analysis </LI></UL><STRONG>Image Recognition, Coding, and <BR>Compression</STRONG> <UL> <LI>Fingerprinting <LI>Image Coding <LI>Compression <LI>Restoration and Retrieval <LI>Image Enhancement <LI>Object Recognition and Motion <LI>Color and Texture <LI>Text Recognition <LI>Handwriting, Shape, and Document<BR>Analysis <LI>Rendering <LI>Illumination Models <LI>Volume Rendering <LI>Rendering Algorithms and Systems </LI></UL></TD> <TD vAlign=top><STRONG>Watermarking Techniques</STRONG> <UL> <LI>Digital Watermarking <LI>Data Security <LI>Identification and Certification <LI>Applications in Copyright Control </LI></UL><STRONG>Computer Vision</STRONG> <UL> <LI>Stereo Vision <LI>3D and Range Data Analysis <LI>Geometric and Morphologic Analysis <LI>Computational Geometry <LI>Neural Network Applications <LI>Content&#8211;based Retrieval <LI>Visualization </LI></UL></TD></TR> <TR> <TD colSpan=2> <H3 style=&#8243;FONT&#8211;SIZE: 1&#046;1em; MARGIN&#8211;BOTTOM: 0&#046;5em; BORDER&#8211;BOTTOM: #cccccc 1px solid&#8243;>APPLICATIONS in:</H3></TD></TR> <TR> <TD vAlign=top> <UL> <LI>Telecommunications <LI>Medicine <LI>Radar <LI>Robotics <LI>Manufacturing <LI>Engineering </LI></UL></TD> <TD vAlign=top> <UL> <LI>Seismic <LI>Economics <LI>Remote Sensing <LI>Ocean Engineering <LI>Others </LI></UL></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>