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<P>We cordially invite you to attend the Second International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (WGEC 2008), which will be held on September, 2008 in Jingzhou, China&#046; Just like the name of the Conference, the theme for this conference is Genetic and Evolutionary Computation&#046; Only original high quality papers related to this theme are especially solicited, including theories, methodologies, and applications in science and technology&#046; Topics covering industrial issues/applications and academic research into bio&#8211;inspired computing will be welcome&#046; In WGEC 2007, 25 selected papers has been accepted for publishing in EI Compendex Journal (journal of Information and Computational Science) (ordinary issue, not supplement issue)&#046;In WGEC 2008, all accepted papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society ,which will be indexed by EI and ISTP&#046; In WGEC 2008, the selected papers will also be recommended to some international Journals (ordinary issue,not supplement issue) which are index by SCI or EI Compendex too&#046;</P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> </P> <P>1&#046; Neural Networks and Data Mining<BR>2&#046; Swarm Intelligence and Optimization<BR>3&#046; Intelligent Computing Application<BR>4&#046; Web&#8211;based System and Application <BR>5&#046; Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems <BR>6&#046; Human&#8211;Computer Interaction</P>