<P><STRONG>The IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS)</STRONG> has been a prime international forum for both researchers and industry practitioners to exchange the latest fundamental advances in the state of the art and practice of Web services, identify emerging research topics, and define the future of Web services. ICWS 2008 is sponsored by IEEE Computer Society. It is the sixth year of gathering to formally explore ″Services″ Science and Technology, which was formally promoted by IEEE Computer Society in 2003! From technology foundation perspective, Services Computing has become the default discipline in the modern services industry. </P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> </P> <LI>Applications (including mobile, scientific, Grid and utility, autonomic, and embedded computing) <LI>Models, methodologies, and tools (including analysis, design, SOA, modeling, and composition) <LI>Publishing, discovery, and selection (including in mobile settings) <LI>Validation and testing (including risk assessment and tracking) <LI>Management and governance (including monitoring, QoS, privacy, trust) <LI>Web 2.0 and Web X.0 concepts in Web services settings (including software as a service and service as software) <LI>Business process management (including business protocols, business intelligence, service level agreements, and business licensing models) <LI>Formal methods (including modeling and specification, data and process semantics, type systems, security, QoS, and other properties) <LI>Standards and implementation and deployment technologies <LI>Technologies for building and operating massive data centers (including middleware) </LI>
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