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<P>The IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering is a forum for discussion of systems and software engineering issues to achieve high assurance systems&#046; The focus is on integrated approaches for assuring reliability, availability, integrity, privacy, confidentiality, safety, and real&#8211;time of complex systems and the methods for assessing the assurance levels of the systems to a high degree of confidence&#046; </P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> * Design and development of highly reliable, survivable, secure, safe, and time&#8211;assured systems <BR>* Integrated system reliability, availability, security, safety, and timing analysis and evaluation methods <BR>* Policies for reliability, safety, security, integrity, privacy, and confidentiality of high assurance systems <BR>* Formal specification, specification validation, testing, and model checking for high assurance systems <BR>* High assurance software architecture and design <BR>* Transformation&#8211;based and evolutionary&#8211;based system development <BR>* Reconfigurable system design for evolving high assurance requirements <BR>* Dynamic monitoring and adaptation for run&#8211;time assurance <BR>* High assurance web services <BR>* High assurance information/knowledge systems and data grids <BR>* High assurance embedded systems, ubiquitous systems and sensor networks <BR>* Extending web service specifications for reliability, safety, security, privacy, trust, and other QoS properties <BR>* Assurance techniques for service&#8211;oriented systems </P>