<P><SPAN style=″FONT–FAMILY: Arial″>The International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation CIMCA2008 provides a medium for the exchange of ideas between theoreticians and practitioners to address the important issues in computational intelligence, modelling, control and automation. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = ″urn:schemas–microsoft–com:office:office″ /></SPAN></P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> </P> <P><SPAN class=highlight>Modern and Advanced Control Strategies </SPAN><BR>. Neural Networks Control <BR>. Fuzzy Logic Control<BR>. Genetic Algorithms & Evolutionary<BR> Control <BR>. Model–Predictive Control<BR>. Adaptive and Optimal Control<BR>. Intelligent Control Systems<BR>. Robotics and Automation<BR>. Fault Diagnosis<BR>. Intelligent agents<BR>. Industrial Automations </P> <P><SPAN class=highlight>Human–Machine Systems </SPAN><BR>. Man–Machine Systems<BR>. Human Computer Interaction<BR>. Human Factors in system Design<BR>. Command and Control Systems<BR>. Virtual Reality<BR></P> <P><SPAN class=highlight>Multimedia and Communication Systems </SPAN><BR>. Multimedia and New Media<BR>. High Speed Communication<BR>. Hyper Network Communication<BR>. Computational Intelligence and <BR> Telecommunications </P> <P><SPAN class=highlight>Hybrid Systems </SPAN><BR>. Fuzzy Evolutionary Systems<BR>. Fuzzy Expert Systems<BR>. Fuzzy Neural Systems<BR>. Neural Genetic Systems<BR>. Neural–Fuzzy–Genetic Systems<BR>. Hybrid Systems for Optimisation </P> <P><SPAN class=highlight>Robotics and Automation </SPAN><BR>. Robot Dynamics and Control<BR>. Human–robot Systems<BR>. Intelligent Robots<BR>. Autonomous Robots<BR>. Home Robots</P> <P><SPAN class=highlight>Decision Making and Information Retrieval </SPAN><BR>. Case–Based Reasoning<BR>. Decision Analysis<BR>. Intelligent Databases & Information Retrieval<BR>. Dynamic Systems Modelling<BR>. Decision Support Systems<BR>. Multi–criteria Decision Making<BR>. Qualitative and Approximate–Reasoning Modelling<BR>. Behavioral Decision Making<BR>. Distributed Decision Making<BR>. Information and Decision Systems<BR>. Risk Management</P> <P><SPAN class=highlight>Data Analysis, Prediction and Model Identification </SPAN><BR>. Signal Processing<BR>. Prediction and Time Series Analysis<BR>. System Identification<BR>. Data Fusion and Mining<BR>. Knowledge Discovery<BR>. Intelligent Information Systems<BR>. Image Processing<BR>. Image Understanding<BR>. Parallel Computing applications<BR> in Identification &Control<BR>. Pattern Recognition<BR>. Clustering<BR>. Classification </P> <P><SPAN class=highlight>Control System Applications </SPAN><BR>. Manufacturing Systems<BR>. Transportation Systems<BR>. Medical and Health Care Systems<BR>. Medical Decision Making<BR>. Rehabilitation Systems<BR>. Socio–economical Systems<BR>. Service and Public Sector Systems<BR>. Energy Systems<BR>. Environmental Systems<BR>. Technological Forecasting<BR>. Financial Engineering<BR>. Communication Networks and<BR> Protocol<BR>. Military Systems <BR></P>
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