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<P>The 4th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2009) is organised by the IEEE Industrial Electronics (IE) Chapter of Singapore, Northwestern Polytechnical University(NPU) and IEEE Xi&#8242;an section&#046; It will be held in Xi&#8242;an, China from 25th to 27th May 2009&#046; </P> <P>Main target of the Special Session: DATICS&#8242;09 is to bring together software/hardware engineering researchers, computer scientists, practitioners and people from industry to exchange theories, ideas, techniques and experiences related to all areas of design, analysis and tools for integrated circuits (e&#046;g&#046; digital, analog and mixed&#8211;signal circuits) and systems (e&#046;g&#046; real&#8211;time, hybrid and embedded systems)&#046; DATICS&#8242;09 also focuses on the fields of formal methods, low power design methodologies for integrated circuits and wireless sensor networks (WSNs)&#046; <BR></P> <P><B>Keywords:</B> </P> <UL> <LI>digital, analog, mixed&#8211;signal designs and test <LI>RF design and test <LI>design&#8211;for&#8211;testability and built&#8211;in self test methodologies <LI>reconfigurable system design <LI>high&#8211;level synthesis <LI>EDA tools for design, testing and verification <LI>low power design methodologies <LI>network and system on&#8211;a&#8211;chip <LI>application&#8211;specific SoCs <LI>wireless sensor networks (WSNs) <LI>specification languages: SystemC, SystemVerilog and UML <LI>all areas of modelling, simulation and verification <LI>formal methods and formalisms (e&#046;g&#046; process algebras, petri&#8211;nets, automaton theory and BDDs) <LI>real&#8211;time, hybrid and embedded systems <LI>software engineering (including real&#8211;time Java, real&#8211;time UML and performance metrics) </LI></UL>