<span style=″font–size: 10pt; font–family: Arial;″>′</span><st1:personname><span style=″font–size: 10pt; font–family: Arial;″>Mechatronics</span></st1:personname><span style=″font–size: 10pt; font–family: Arial;″>′ has become accepted for what it <span class=″GramE″>is,</span> the blending of mechanics, electronics and computer control into an integrated design. It forms the basis of an ever growing list of products and techniques of great technical and commercial value. <span class=″SpellE″>Mechatronic</span> design can result in products which are much simpler than their intricate and costly predecessors and can make commonplace the miracles of yesterday. Much value–added comes from the skilful use of sensors and embedded machine intelligence. Machine–vision has emerged from the laboratory among other sophisticated sensors to find real applications in areas which include inspection, fault detection, vehicle guidance and robot control. Low–cost cameras have been developed for multimedia applications, but with their ease of interfacing they offer a whole new field of low–cost vision–based control. Following the success of its fourteen predecessors, M2</span><st1:stockticker><span style=″font–size: 10pt; font–family: Arial;″>VIP</span></st1:stockticker><span style=″font–size: 10pt; font–family: Arial;″> 2008 will provide a dynamic forum for international experts and researchers to present and review advances in <span class=″SpellE″>mechatronics</span> and machine vision which have culminated in practical applications, or which promise practical implementation in the very near future.</span><font size=″3″><span lang=″EN–GB″></span></font>
New Zealand
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