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<table border=&#8243;0&#8243; width=&#8243;700&#8243;><tbody><tr><td colspan=&#8243;1&#8243;><br></td></tr><tr> <td> The International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference (IPCCC) is the premier IEEE conference presenting research in the performance of computer and communication systems&#046; For more than two decades, IPCCC has been a research forum for adacemic, industrial, and government researchers&#046; <p> </p><center><b>**** Hot Topics For IPCCC 2008 ****</b></center> <p> <table> <tbody><tr><td> Grid and cloud computing </td></tr><tr><td> Internet Services and Network Management </td></tr><tr><td> Network protocols </td></tr><tr><td> Network Information Assurance, and Security </td></tr><tr><td> Multi&#8211; and single&#8211; core processor architecture </td></tr><tr><td> Cache, Memory, and Disk Storage Systems </td></tr><tr><td> Workload Characterization and its Impact on Architecture Design </td></tr><tr><td> Embedded Systems </td></tr><tr><td> Ubiquitous computing </td></tr><tr><td> Mobile ad hoc, Sensor and Mesh Networks </td></tr><tr><td> Parallel and Distributed Systems </td></tr><tr><td> Performance Evaluation and Modeling </td></tr><tr><td> Performance Tools and Techniques</td></tr></tbody></table></p></td></tr></tbody></table><font size=&#8243;3&#8243;><span lang=&#8243;EN&#8211;GB&#8243;></span></font>